Ohhh hot dogs!!
When it comes to hot dogs, Sullivan’s has always been a favorite. I can remember piling into my aunt’s station wagon and making the trek over to Castle Island from Dot on hot summer days. Unlike today, swimming in Boston harbor during the 80’s wasn’t the best maneuver, but there weren’t many options. So…if we made it out of the harbor without any tumors my Mom would always treat us to Sully’s!
Now my pops was a Simco’s fan….and they still are one of the best around in my opinion.
If I’m grilling at home….I go with the “Old Tyme” natural casing dog from Kayem…they always give you that snap when you bite in and they are made locally over in Chelsea!
I have to mention Pearl because my dad swears by them. They are a locally made product as well! I’m a fan of their point cut corned beef for St Patty’s day. Dad’s memories of Pearl go back to when he was a kid. I believe they still have a facility in Roxbury but are headquartered down in Randolph. He used to run down and buy hot dogs for my grandparents when they still lived on Magnolia Street.
If you now live on the South Shore you have to come try Chucky D’s Hot Dogs & More in Bridgewater (815 Bedford St.)Rte. 18! Kayem natural casing hot dogs and lots more on the menu.
you guys from America? dont seem to have these brands in singapore.. cant wait to try them!