Help the Dot House & BMC

Whats up people? Long time no speak. Kind of a crazy few months have passed since I last wrote and I’m still trying to process it all.

I’m a fan of science as some of you may have gathered over the years. I enjoy my sports like most men my age but my heroes along the way have been mostly within the disciplines of science.

What I have witnessed over the past few months has lengthened that list of great minds as they’ve traversed this pandemic relentlessly. Our medical professionals are the best of the best. Their impact has been brought to the forefront on a global scale and their work effects us all. Whether it’s giving our first responders the insight on how to effectively do their jobs safely or teaching us how to safely provide for our families in times like these. It’s tough to put a price on what they do.

So, in the midst of drinking too many spiked seltzers I have pondered about what I could do to help while not really being trained in anything more than bro medicine. The answer was sitting under one of my empties….. a face mask.

The folks at the Dorchester House and Boston Medical Center have always taken care of my family. Both my mom and dad’s lives were saved at BMC (it was Boston City Hospital then). In my mom’s case her early diagnosis started at the Dot House. For my dad, BMC saved his life as an infant so, if I’m being logical, I wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for them.

Both of these institutions work with some of our most vulnerable and do an amazing job with our elderly populations on fixed incomes.

So, I have designed some washable masks and I’m donating all the proceeds to the Dot House and BMC. Hopefully we can do something nice for them.

You can purchase one here –

I will attempt to release more colors as they become available and based on requests. You can email me here:

Help your old pal out and spread the word!

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