Tag: videos

The Marylou’s Cruise…

The Marylou’s Cruise…

So I walk into Marylou’s in Quincy for an iced coffee Sunday morning. Now plenty of us are familiar with their business model. The place is essentially a scaled back Hooters of coffee. And for full disclosure there is not a place on the planet 

Coffee with a Chef Boy…

Coffee with a Chef Boy…

On a cold day back in January at Dunks on Morrissey Boulevard I had the opportunity to sit and have a coffee with one of Boston’s hottest Hip Hop artists, Gio Dee.  The questions start at his early years to get a sense of how 

The sights and sounds of St Patrick’s Day…

The sights and sounds of St Patrick’s Day…

Jamming out to Clinton Sparks in Dot…


Harlem Shake time…

Tips from an Irishman…


A participant’s perspective….


Apparently it’s raining men…

An amateur on the Orange Line…

A little dancing…

The commute…

The Dropkicks…


Barry White was Black Irish?


Ok…I’m going to bed!









That was worth the trip…

That was worth the trip…

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7CaEAC6S4A] Hey Houston….how did that work out for you? You all deserved the beating you got  solely for climbing all over Paul Revere like a bunch of Red Coats. I know that’s how Texans roll and you enjoy climbing over walls and sh*t but this is 

Thursday is for Massholes…

Thursday is for Massholes…

This is internet gold right here…..come on Dorchester…you all phoned in a worm! Episode 2 people….enjoy! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc3dsJMKSoA]

Commercial of the year?

Commercial of the year?

So B.D. Liquors out in Worcester absolutely nailed it with this commercial. They know why you’re there…you’re looking to get sh*tfaced. So why not cut to the chase….



Street Hockey time…

Street Hockey time…

I gotta admit this flick 363: The Road to the Southie 3-on-3 is pretty bad ass. What a production….Danny Picard and his boys did an incredible job making it. I felt like I was watching an ESPN special or something. It brought back good memories 

The Boston Derby Dames…

The Boston Derby Dames…

I have always wanted to grab a case of beer and watch a roller derby….seems like a blast. Problem is I never knew Boston had it’s own crew. Apparently the Boston Massacre has been kicking ass and taking names. Check out their website  http://bostonderbydames.com/ [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44FFN5-LtqQ] 

The Ghetto Mix…

The Ghetto Mix…

There are times in the hood when you may have a problem with insects. Maybe your neighbors don’t keep a tidy house or maybe it’s just you that’s the slob. The insects around Dorchester can be pretty gangster….. I mean just last week I saw a cockroach with a “Bug Life” tattoo rolling down Geneva Ave driving a 79 Monte Carlo smoking a blunt and blasting “I Get Lifted” by George McCrae.


When you have cockroaches that roll deep like this….you can’t be rolling up on the set spraying RAID and expect to protect your crib. You need an exterminator that comes strapped with the “Ghetto Mix”…. you need a straight “bug thug” like Rogers Pest Control.


I do love small businesses and Rogers gave me such a good laugh with their brilliant “Ghetto Mix” formula branding I had to give them a plug. They are located up on the corner of Bowdoin and Quincy Street across from Saint Peter’s Church….give them a shout @ 617-427-0810



Eire Pub Politics…

Eire Pub Politics…

Ahh the good old Eire Pub. Always a hotbed for politics here in Dorchester. I would even go as far as saying it’s the epicenter of Boston in terms of politics. I have seen quite a few spirited debates over a pint of beer in