Happy Dorchester Day…

Our neighborhood has seen its fair share of changes since the Mary and John landed here in 1630.  We have been through revolution, invasion, civil war, booms, depression, great wars, redlining, blockbusting, busing and present day gentrification. Through it all, it often begs the question why it is that so many people like myself readily indentify with such a place. Why be so proud of a place that by comparison, has been through so much turmoil both socially and economically.

It’s simple, for 387 years Dorchester has been the place where countless people have laid down roots. It was true in 1630 and even though it’s the hardest it’s ever been, it’s still true today.

Dorchester has always been about family and community – a place where the common man can thrive and be part of the greatest city in America.

We should make sure to preserve these ideals the next 387 years.

I hope everyone has a chance to raise a glass today and celebrate being part of the biggest family in Boston.

Happy Dorchester Day

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