Tag: Hip Hop

Hip Hop clams…

Hip Hop clams…

Saw this on picture floating around and thought it was absolutely brilliant. Cash rules everything around me….CLAMS!!…Get the money….Dollar Dollar Bills Yall!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjZRAvsZf1g

Dmx is in Boston?

Dmx is in Boston?

Dude still has it…I gotta hand it to him. Get Get Get it on the floor!!  WHAT!! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIvKKLaZPR4] Aries Spears still does the best rapper impersonations… [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNhyjxrkImg&feature=related]  

Amherst Chick…

Amherst Chick…

I gotta say….I love the flow of this song….it’s fun. This dude Goody has the party song at UMass this spring…period.


Goody gets the Dot Rat thumbs up!

Reppin the 603?

Reppin the 603?

I thought this kid was going to give advice on lacrosse gear or the Ivy League dating scene….then all of a sudden….he’s “wheelin and dealin”. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IljZ8qIjzy0] I’m just not convinced…..maybe it’s the way he rocks in his chair like he’s pre-fatality or something…. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzNNpUH2DqQ] If 

When I B on the mic…

When I B on the mic…

I’m a huge Eric B. and Rakim fan from way back….just felt like throwing up one of my favorites from Rakim’s solo career. Lets bob our heads a bit….shall we. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M34OelgSlKI]

More Moosh & Twist….

More Moosh & Twist….

Readers know I love OCD….keep an eye on these kids.


Another rapper debuts…

Another rapper debuts…

So from what I can gather AJ Reynolds (RoTT) is this 19 year old kid that may be somewhere up in New Hampshire. But he has an unbridled love of Boston and decided to make a song about it. As usual…I will turn it to 

Is it a Funky Jew Friday?

Is it a Funky Jew Friday?

So we got a Jewish kid named Dr. K running around Dot with a Umass Boston hoodie on making hip hop videos. I have some fans of Funky Jew Friday here on DotRat.com …but I’m still trying to figure out if Dr. K is the real 

Southie has rappers?

Southie has rappers?

I know…not the first place you would expect hip hop artists to call home. I do remember a good crew out of Southie back in the 90’s called Bonewinkle. But other than that it’s been pretty quiet. So here comes Double Vision…these 2 dudes look and sound the part. So here’s their American Idol moment….do they go to Hollywood?


[polldaddy poll=5954346]


Moosh and Twist are coming…

Moosh and Twist are coming…

Love Moosh & Twist….2 young kids from PA with all kinds of skills. They are doing a show Saturday 2/4 at the Middle East. Get your @ss down there and check them out. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JI-3AioOHM]