Till we meet again…

Till we meet again…

It’s extremely hard not to get angry about what happened to my old friend. But, it’s time to put that on the back burner and reserve that energy. All those responsible will be dealt with in due time and with proper process.

For the next few days, in his spirit, we should try and crack a smile like he would and just remember how special it was to have a friend like Keith Boudreau.


1972 – 2015

9 thoughts on “Till we meet again…”

  • God only takes the best because he doesn’t want to hang around with a bunch of A-HOLES. Rest peacefully Keith. Heard nothing but great things about you. You were a real man. A lot of people are proud of you and your life!

  • There are no words for this horrible tragedy. Only prayers and love for his family. He had lovely parents and I know he was a blessing to them. I loved what his Mom, Kathy, said ….”Any mother would be proud of having him for a son” RIP Keith

  • Our fondest memory of Keith was his early snowy morning phone calls:
    “Mrs. Daly this is Keith – does Mr. Daly know if there is school today?”
    A great kid who will be dearly missed!

    Love, Mr. & Mrs. Daly

  • So senseless….. By everything I’ve heard, you were a great man. I’m sure all those you’ve touched will be sure to never let your kids forget that, or you. My sincerest condolences to the family and loved ones of Keith Boudreau. R.I.P.

  • Keith was always a great kid, known him 30 years, can’t name one fight he had growing up, always easy going…rest in peace…we have a lot of friends up there

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