Tag: video

Have you ever wanted to beat up a girl?

Have you ever wanted to beat up a girl?

Probably not, unless your another chick of course. But this skank may actually change your mind. She has absolutely no clue about the chain of command and that our soldiers follow orders that come from the commander in chief regardless of their own personal opinions 

Fuhget about it….it’s Columbus Day..

Fuhget about it….it’s Columbus Day..

For Italians from all over this great country today is always special. They will be celebrating when the Vikings….I mean Columbus discovered America. For me it’s normally a day to relax with a day off of work. But today I’m going to grab my bocce 

Brown, Flynn, Warren, Pelosi and the Eire Pub….

Brown, Flynn, Warren, Pelosi and the Eire Pub….

So apparently Ray Flynn was playing grab ass with Scott Brown yesterday at the Eire Pub during the Irish Festival….Will someone please remind Ray that Warren is the Democrat here…..maybe it’s because Warren keeps her clothes on. Or maybe after Pelosi called Scott Brown clueless yesterday, Ray was trying to work Brown for campaign strategy. Either way, it left a very Dem Dorchester saying a collective WTF?

Maybe it was the beer….the Eire Pub will always be a hotbed for politics.


By the cover….

By the cover….

Sitting around watching Jersey Shore last night….I was trying to think of a new section for the site. My late brother had this ability to size up a person that was downright scary. He could study you and in a matter minutes cut right to 

So you think you can dance?

So you think you can dance?

Yeah ok, you may be from Dot and you may look the part….jeans hanging around your knees…pricetags on your hat…hair carved up nice….smelling good. You may look like a legit hip hop star, maybe you feel like your gods gift to women, but do you 

Dorchester…the way it was…and the way it could be.

Dorchester…the way it was…and the way it could be.

We read a lot about our neighborhood on a day-to-day basis with most of it being negative. I’m not going to blame anyone for what happens here….I’m a true believer that money (or lack there of) is the root of crime in any neighborhood. With poverty comes problems…the Irish went through their bad times, the Italians…ect. Bin Laden would have never had followers if Afghan’s had a solid economic engine.

I enjoy good stories…..especially those intertwined with our history. I ran across Sidewalk Memories a few years back. These folks put together a documentary about the Jewish experience in Dorchester, Mattapan and Roxbury. My father (an Irishman) absolutely raved about the preview because he saw tons of his old haunts flash across the screen….and was able to spot some familiar faces. His face lit up as he proclaimed, “We where poor but it was the best of times…our neighborhood was incredible.”  

Sidewalk Memories gives you an idea of what life was like in Dot back in the day. There was a general sense of pride in the neighborhood. When you look at the photos and see the videos….although you step back in time, you get a sense of the full potential of the neighborhoods. Could you imagine what a 3 bedroom apartment in Grove Hall would be worth today if it looked like Brookline? We are talking about some of the most prime real estate in Boston. Oh the money that I would make at my burger joint on Blue Hill ave. The Starbucks in 4 corners would have a line around the block every morning.

I think we all need a reminder from time to time about how special this place really is.



[vimeo http://vimeo.com/16357001]

I’m rich….please tax me.

I’m rich….please tax me.

Ok here is one of the most common sense issues Republicans repeatedly fail on. And the Prez just called their bluff. Why should you pay a reduced tax rate if you’re a millionaire? Shouldn’t you pay just as much of your income as the man making 

Here comes Lettuce!!

Here comes Lettuce!!

So the Soulive crew has a project band they call Lettuce. This is probably one of the best party bands around. Anyone who knows about music will probably agree that soul comes from within and cannot be faked. All of these guys have soul, their roots are 

Sneakers, donations and the cure!!

Sneakers, donations and the cure!!

Check out Mr. Hotdamn holding it down. From the McFly’s to the antidote!!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TPxP39xWcM?rel=0&w=640&h=390]

Dude Im studying….dont shoot!!

Dude Im studying….dont shoot!!

So the BPS Superintendant wants to move Latin Academy over to Hyde Park from Grove Hall and people are pissed? Seriously? This is a no brainer….I mean why would you want to send your brainiac kid into the middle of gangland to study? I get the