Sounds like a new book huh? Opie and Anthony spent quite some time breaking down one of his speeches. Oversized mappins?
In honor of tha mayar of tha see of Bossin. I would like to present him with this shirt…. Thank Woo Mayar!! [youtube=]
Will someone please tell me who Res Weckler is? Is this a third stringer or something?
Apparantly Tebow is a phenominom too…..Menino is just a beast when it comes to handling the tough questions. Thank god he’s mayar of tha see of Bossin.
Check out these kids having a blast around Fields Corner….it’s time to build more skate parks Mumbles!!! [youtube=]
Friggin Mumbles….is he the Godfather or Luca Brasi? You know he they needed 192 takes to get this right. Get me the f#$% casting director on the phone….everyone knows Mumbles is Luca Brasi.