Rainy day cravings…
So when I drink, I enjoy a clean lager. I was never a fan of Guinness or any beer you can chew. This summer it was all about green bottle Dos Equis. But I have to be honest, right now I’m craving a frosty Budweiser. It just brings me back to those days where you would chip in a few bucks and split a case of beers with your buddies and spend a chilly night at the park laughing your @ss off. Is it mass produced? Sure… But considering the size of their operation it’s an incredibly good beer. It’s always a blast to get a case of ponies too….your beer stays frosty because of the smaller bottle.
Frank “The Tank” Baker knows what I’m talkin bout….
Oh….I could go for the chicken breast dinner with gravy mashed and peas from the old Ashmont Grill too. No frills, just one of those old nicotine stained booths and straight comfort food. I hope the new owners are listening