Hey Dick!

So Dick Cheney has called Obama one of our weakest presidents.Wow really? Homeboy has a wooden heart, can’t shoot a rifle to save his own life, he endorsed a war we had no business starting and then put it on a communist credit card (China Express). Didn’t he endorse an economic policy that brought the country to it’s knees? Wasn’t Cheney was named in a December 2010 corruption complaint filed by the Nigerian government against Halliburton, in which the company settled for $250 million dollars? Will someone ask Dick why we need the Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act…lets see if he brings up the Halliburton loophole.  He’s worth 100 million dollars for a reason…

Dick Cheney is the Republican Party at it’s worst…and if they can’t do better or tell him to STFU…they can kiss the presidency goodbye for another 2 terms.

2 thoughts on “Hey Dick!”

  • It appears that his team, are war mungor’s and war profitor’s. War for profit along with guns for hire, e.g., Black-Water, AKA… The war party speaks with folk tongue and include all law makers.

  • WOW…didn’t know that as a lifelong and more than proud resident of Dorchester AND a Republican I would stumble upon a site such as this and find out that people with different political leanings would be vilified and hated. PS…if you think you’re better off than you were when BO became president, please get off the drugs!!

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