Brookline is a real dickhead!!

Seriously, who is the fucking tofu chef asshole trying to ban the pledge of allegiance in the schools over there. Smarten the fuck up! With all of it’s flaws the USA is still the most incredible country ever. Do you think you could go to Zaftigs on Sunday and spend 22 dollars on bagel and coffee if this was Mexico?? Only in this country could you stuff it in someone’s ass that hard.

Cadillac Deval Patrick….grow a fucking set for christ’s sake!!


1 thought on “Brookline is a real dickhead!!”

  • I absolutely love the anger in which you’re approaching this subject. The issue of banning the pledge of allegiance in the Brookline school system, was brought up by a lawyer named Marty Rosenthal. What a shocker that a lawyer would want his name in the news. I guess the old saying goes that there is no such thing as bad publicity. The argument that Marty is trying to make, is that in the 1980″s a few holocaust survivors told him, that reciting the pledge of allegiance reminded them of the loyalty oaths they had to recite in nazi Germany. Believe me, I have all the sympathy in the world for the atrocities that the jewish people had to suffer through in those concentration camps, but let’s be honest. Being forced to recite an oath at gunpoint and standing in a classroom reciting the pledge of allegiance voluntarily are two things that are worlds apart. From what I understand, the law in Massachusetts states that the pledge is to be recited, but anyone who chooses to not recite, can do so without consequence. It is on a 100 percent voluntary basis. We do live in the greatest country in the world and to teach our children to respect our flag, to me is a no brainer. So I guess the real Issue is, that the word God is in it. Do you know what else has the name God on it? The back of all United States paper currency. When I watch a Red Sox game during the seventh inning stretch someone sings “God bless America”. I love my country and I hope To GOD that people like Marty Rosenthal don’t ever get thier way. Thank-you Good Day and may GOD bless these United States of America

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