Tag: Wes Welker

Wes lost his crown…

Wes lost his crown…

30 beers…check. 18 pounds of corned beef….check. Potatoes, Carrots, Cabbage….check Brand new scally cap from Ireland…check New Pope …..check Sign Wes Welker……..what do you mean he’s Satan Manning’s new go to receiver? That f*cking midget! Who was Welker before the Patriots? Would he have the 

Wekler loves Hooters!

Wekler loves Hooters!

So one of our favorite Patriots Wes Wekler has decided to tie the knot with his girl Anna Burns, Miss Hooters International 2005. We here at Dotrat.com are psyched for Wekler and wish him nothing but good luck. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=fXSf0nGq9Po]

A gift for Mumbles…

A gift for Mumbles…

In honor of tha mayar of tha see of Bossin. I would like to present him with this shirt….





Thank Woo Mayar!!


Menino, Tebow and Weckler?

Menino, Tebow and Weckler?

Will someone please tell me who Res Weckler is? Is this a third stringer or something? Apparantly Tebow is a phenominom too…..Menino is just a beast when it comes to handling the tough questions. Thank god he’s mayar of tha see of Bossin. Thank Woo