Tag: videos

Happy Valentines Day Dot Rats!!

Happy Valentines Day Dot Rats!!

Today is the day you cuddle up with your sweety and take a moment to remember the things brought you together in the first place. Life is nuts at times and it’s easy to lose sight of those things that sparked your “interest”. Whether your 

This goal is better than that one…

This goal is better than that one…

So everyone is talking like this goal by Alex Mason is the best thing since sliced bread… [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygNvDa-N7kQ] But I have to be the hometown guy and say our little magician from New England, Oliver Wahlstrom’s goals blow that away….sorry Alex. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BOrSz3YQiI] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HslsgdlAx8]

Just call me Coyote…

Just call me Coyote…

This dude is just oozing sex appeal…. an 8 inch mullet tail with a Coyote hat, a Coyote coat and Coyote painted on the side of his 1984 Chevy Blazer. He just cruises up and down Newbury all day showing off his skull pinky ring and dirty fingernails….I actually saw women drop their shopping bags and run after him like he was a trailer park Usher…..I have heard of this legend….but today I was graced by his presence… now I have the photo to prove it.

Watch out Kenny Powers….


Friggin Jamie Foxx….

Friggin Jamie Foxx….

The timing is so bad Jamie…..Whitney just passed….why would you post this on DotRat.com? It’s just crackish… [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6JWjqqhF3w]

Gronk on Jersey Shore…

Gronk on Jersey Shore…

Hey I thought the video was funny…and whoever did it has some editing skills. It’s DotRat approved! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1n2RlfK3nLQ]

The Red Sox get a new whip…

The Red Sox get a new whip…

Courtesy of Jet Blue, Red Sox One will feature 3 sets of fryolators for fried chicken and a full bar with 293 beers on tap. This will certainly be nice for those west coast trips.

I feel a little Frank Sinatra coming on…..


It’s MGMT time…

It’s MGMT time…

Here’s an old favorite of mine (and all MGMT fans) live at the Paradiso…. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfWvOmb98Tc]

B*tch slap of the century…

B*tch slap of the century…

Watch this dude pivot and throw his back into this slap….it sounds like a lightning strike. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6QJ8qTNg6E]

Mumbles on UMass Bossin…

Mumbles on UMass Bossin…

Watch our fearless leader just kill it as he breaks down how bad ass UMass Bossin is. Mumbles just spreads his vapors around like no other. Watch the guy at the end get Mumblized.

Thank god for Mumbles!!

Just when I thought…

Just when I thought…

I was about to watch 2 opposing Dojo’s kick the sh*t out of each other….. turns out to be an old school bboy battle. The Dorchester Breakers take the prize….did you expect a different outcome? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0PQ7u9M-p0]