Tag: video
Are these people hard ons?
I understand there’s people who treat workouts like a religion. The problem I have is just like religion….I don’t need it forced down my throat. Yeah I understand you’re f*cking superhuman and you can lift heavy sh*t….I just don’t need anything reminding me what an inferior brand of physique genetics I have.
In my mind you might as well be yelling L. Ron Hubbard every time you throw up the kettleball. Yeah yeah….I undertstand I can “create new and better realities” there Tom Cruise….RELAX!
Just take that sh*t indoors people…I didn’t need the reminder after buying an overpriced Vietnamese shirt at Macy’s…. and I certainly didn’t ask for 2 tickets to the gun show.
Besides….I already have my Marky Mark workout tape in case I need to work on my fitness Dot Rat style for all the fly honeys.
Boston Warfare…
For a second you might think this is a video of me trying to get a hot dog at Simco’s. I know…. it fooled me too. It’s actually just a bunch of Parkour dudes making an action sequence over in Chinatown near the old Don Bosco High …
Hey Baxter…
Is this robot really going to help bring jobs back into the US? If you think about it, Baxter is the equivalent of one Chinese laborer. I’m guessing one Baxter would be priced at around 25 to 30k. When all the technology has matured and you factor in …
Jaywalking @ BU…
Are you sh*tting me Boston? It’s only a one dollar fine for running into traffic and possibly causing multiple deaths? I have said it before and I will say it again…our traffic laws are a joke. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEikobYg5o8] Why would you ever assume any driver is paying attention and …
Southie High Catfight…
What a way to spice up a Monday. I’m not sure who is Nae or Khaliqua….don’t ask me to pronounce them either. So we will go with grey and green.
I think grey got a little too cocky…green displayed her superior stand up then used grey’s momentum for the take down. The ref had no business stopping the action for the stand up because green was keeping busy with the ground and pound.
Purple knuckle and a dream…
Now how am I supposed to take DreamRyde seriously? Purple? Really? Everyone knows the only guy that can pull that sh*t off is Prince. You got the lead singer in purple panty hose pulled up to her ribcage just waiving purple knuckle all over the …