Tag: sports

Boxing for nerds…

Boxing for nerds…

So this video is everywhere today and I love boxing too much not to have it posted here. Eric Kelly is just flat out hilarious….. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syhb3z4pTFQ]

The Southie 3 Piece…

The Southie 3 Piece…

Typically if I saw someone in the stance and approaching me I would get in the stance as well. You have to defend yourself….and nobody wants to get hit with a 3 piece…nevermind getting hit once. But those Southie boys can be crafty…and have devised 

This is how you handle your balls…

This is how you handle your balls…

Why is everyone staring at me?

Anyway…check out the ball handling skills on this 15 year old Massachusetts kid.


Cat Scratch Fever…

Cat Scratch Fever…

Do you think Tim Thomas listens to Ted Nugent before his games? It makes total sense right? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wBpGJemdUs] They both hate Obama….they both like to sit in tree stands….neither one wants to pay taxes and they are both Michigan boys. I wonder if they teabag 

Hey Tim Thomas…

Hey Tim Thomas…

Cut the sh*t and play hockey…stay away from Freedomworks until the season is over. We need Timmy the Tank not Timmy the Teabagger right now…. If we lose to the Caps I’m sending Obama after you!

Hang with Gronk!

Hang with Gronk!

So Roberto is going to the B’s game….and you can go break his balls when we smash the Sabres.


To sum up the Superbowl…

To sum up the Superbowl…

Fitzy seems to have pinned it….nothing more to really say here. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4bpHsNnBFU]

This goal is better than that one…

This goal is better than that one…

So everyone is talking like this goal by Alex Mason is the best thing since sliced bread… [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygNvDa-N7kQ] But I have to be the hometown guy and say our little magician from New England, Oliver Wahlstrom’s goals blow that away….sorry Alex. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BOrSz3YQiI] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HslsgdlAx8]

The Red Sox get a new whip…

The Red Sox get a new whip…

Courtesy of Jet Blue, Red Sox One will feature 3 sets of fryolators for fried chicken and a full bar with 293 beers on tap. This will certainly be nice for those west coast trips.

I feel a little Frank Sinatra coming on…..


Will Ferrell holding court…

Will Ferrell holding court…

Watch him just kill it on these intros for the Hornets on 80’s night…. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv3bYWuUUng] Pet dolphin named Chachi????