Tag: Rough Cut

The Mac & Wahly show…

The Mac & Wahly show…

So I gotta send a big shout out to my good friend and birthday boy Tommy Mac for inviting me down to his shop a few days back. He was filming a show with another fellow Dot Rat and woodworking enthusiast, Paul Wahlberg. If you haven’t seen Tommy’s 

Thank You!

Thank You!

Well, it was a long day for all the girls down at Hollywood Tans. Through their efforts and the generosity of the businesses and patrons that took part, they where able to raise close to 3000 dollars in raffle and bake sales for the Richard 

Take care of your skin…

Take care of your skin…

My pops has dealt with his share of visits to the dermatologist over the years because of his love of the sun. You would think my buddy Tom owed me 100 bucks based on this picture…..but he had his first surgery yesterday at MGH to remove some cancer from his nose. Thank god he’s going to be fine…..but this picture makes you think about how important it is to take care of your skin!

I got wood!!

I got wood!!

Tommy Mac has been a good friend of mine for I’m guessing 15 years or so. His story has been an inspiration to me and tons of guys around the country. The short version goes like this. He was working as a union carpenter in