Tag: Quincy

Time for man church…

Time for man church…

There’s nothing like the local barbershop to get your mind and fur right. Check out Paul’s in Quincy or LaGrasso’s in Southie.

Rock Island Rocks!

Rock Island Rocks!

In my quest to find the best eats around I finally paid a visit to the Rock Island Food Company last night. Judging by the chocolate chip banana muffin I smashed in 2 minutes flat….we have a potential all-star here. You can always tell if 

Like Italian Bakeries?

Like Italian Bakeries?

Let’s face it….we all miss Bombadieri’s….it was Dorchester’s go to Italian bakery for years. Personally I always marveled that the store had flies year round…..even during snow storms. Regardless….they had incredible baked goods.

For those who do not know the place…. Fratelli’s in Quincy is my new go to Italian bakery. They make crusty scala bread that has become a staple in my house. The birthday cakes, cookies, blueberry and lemon poppy breads are off the charts. Everything I have tried from Fratelli’s is incredible. Ohhh….and no flies!!

Check them out…they are over next to the police station.

Another view…

Another view…

Here’s a nice 1945 shot of Squantum Naval Air Station (Marina Bay) looking across Dorchester Bay at Rainbow Park and the Dorchester Yacht Club.  

Lobsters anyone?

Lobsters anyone?

I’m all about food, I love to cook and I put love in my cooking…..EATING ROCKS! As Bostonians we are spoiled rotten because we have access to some of the best seafood on the planet….there’s brokers here who send portions of our catch back to 

Blue Sharks on Wollaston!!

Blue Sharks on Wollaston!!

So I guess the sharks are moving back into the harbor now that we cleaned up the turds we left there for 80 years. Just when you think it’s safe to swim at Wally again….the F^&&* sharks show up.
