Tag: Paul Revere

The underdog…

He’s our favorite son for a host of reasons. Top of the list is his approach towards football. Tom Brady has played every single game with the same exact approach since Bledsoe was knocked out in 2000…..with a massive chip on his shoulder. He’s the 

That was worth the trip…

That was worth the trip…

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7CaEAC6S4A] Hey Houston….how did that work out for you? You all deserved the beating you got  solely for climbing all over Paul Revere like a bunch of Red Coats. I know that’s how Texans roll and you enjoy climbing over walls and sh*t but this is 

America: The Story of Us…

America: The Story of Us…

This documentary produced by the History Channel is by far one of the best I have ever seen. I have recommended this to my nephews to help them with their history studies. It does a wonderful job of capturing your imagination. In my opinion it should be on the shelf of every home in country. It’s comprehensive without going so deep that young ones lose interest and the visuals are incredible. It’s the perfect tool to help your family understand the history of the United States. The series came out about a year back….


You can buy the DVD’s here.