Tag: Patriots

Want goosebumps?

Want goosebumps?

Watch our field general get the props he deserves from Ray Lewis….I wonder if Ray is lying in bed wide awake right now….. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUyQ_HsO4ZE]

A gift for Mumbles…

A gift for Mumbles…

In honor of tha mayar of tha see of Bossin. I would like to present him with this shirt….         Thank Woo Mayar!! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXSf0nGq9Po]

Picture of the day…

Picture of the day…

Menino, Tebow and Weckler?

Menino, Tebow and Weckler?

Will someone please tell me who Res Weckler is? Is this a third stringer or something? Apparantly Tebow is a phenominom too…..Menino is just a beast when it comes to handling the tough questions. Thank god he’s mayar of tha see of Bossin. Thank Woo 

Random Thoughts…

Random Thoughts…

– I want to wish Bobby V. the best of luck. I know that you used to manage the Mets and you think that dealing with the New York media will prepare you for Boston, HA HA HA. It’s real simple Bobby, all you have 

Boombalotty’s Honorary Dot Rat…

Boombalotty’s Honorary Dot Rat…

I want to officially nominate Wes Welker as an honorary Dot Rat. I mean, the adjectives are endless with this guy. He’s hard-working, He’s fast, He has a great first step and best of all, whenever he gets walloped, which is often, he just stands up walks back to the huddle and he’s ready for the next play. He is 5’9″ 185lbs. playing a position where the average height is between 6’3″ to 6’6″. I’m sure growing up, everybody told him that he’s too small, he’s not fast enough etc… so what did he do? He worked his tail off, to not only make it to the NFL, but become arguably the best wide receiver the past 4 years. Of course, my favorite part of the guy is that you never read about him in the Inside Track, he’s not dating supermodels,he’s not tweeting every little thing in his life. That’s right Ocho-Stinko I’m talking about you. Stinko seems to do everything BUT catch footballs. Here’s a little advice Stinko, put your locker next to Welkers and learn from the best. If you do that you MIGHT be on the roster next year. So in conclusion, Wes, you have a lifetime Dorchester pass, and I’m sure you’ll never have to buy a beer here.


Toe Face Killah…

Toe Face Killah…

So Rex Ryan laid into Mark Sanchez for not letting the clock run down last night by calling it “the stupidest call in football history”. But why does this seem to be a recurring thing? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-YXkBFE54g] Maybe it’s time to go get some snacks…. (Language 

Hold ye fire Dot Rats!!

Hold ye fire Dot Rats!!

On most days I find myself picturing the world around me as it may have looked at different points in history. As a kid I would roam the neighborhood and sometimes wonder what Dorchester looked like during colonial times. What did the folks do for 

Dot Rat in Steelers nation…

Dot Rat in Steelers nation…

It can be pretty cool being a Dot Rat living in Pennsylvania. You have an edge that PA folks enjoy. This lands you an awesome girl….who you then go on to marry and start a wonderful life with. You settle into a suburb of Pittsburgh, rent is cheap and the world is your oyster. You would think life is pure bliss… Then comes football season.  The gracious folks of PA seem a little different. Then Sunday comes………


Godspeed old friend,,,,please come back to Dorchester in one peice.

Terrell Owens a Patriot?

Terrell Owens a Patriot?

This man seems to think the Pats are interested and TO is a good fit. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EdjMl7aj48] I like TO…he would add some more depth to the Patriot receiving corps. The question in do we really need him and if he’s going to have a huge