Tag: music

So you think you can dance?

So you think you can dance?

Yeah ok, you may be from Dot and you may look the part….jeans hanging around your knees…pricetags on your hat…hair carved up nice….smelling good. You may look like a legit hip hop star, maybe you feel like your gods gift to women, but do you 

Here comes Lettuce!!

Here comes Lettuce!!

So the Soulive crew has a project band they call Lettuce. This is probably one of the best party bands around. Anyone who knows about music will probably agree that soul comes from within and cannot be faked. All of these guys have soul, their roots are 

Dude Im studying….dont shoot!!

Dude Im studying….dont shoot!!

So the BPS Superintendant wants to move Latin Academy over to Hyde Park from Grove Hall and people are pissed? Seriously? This is a no brainer….I mean why would you want to send your brainiac kid into the middle of gangland to study? I get the biggest kick out of the Grove Hall residents who are pissed it might leave. Like dude…did you not notice the fucking 2 year old with the 9mm hanging out of his huggies? Everyone over there packs heat. Clean up your fucking neighborhood and people might stop moving out….SHOLOM!! Yup I said it….the Jewish folks saw the writing on the wall back in the 60’s.
