Tag: marriage

What could go wrong?

What could go wrong?

Over the years I have seen some pretty creative marriage proposals, and they usually go off without a hitch. But like any good Dot Rat, I believe in a back up plan. Perhaps a well planned escape route if the lady says no. This Portuguese 

Is he really that sweet?

Is he really that sweet?

Sure…a maneuver like this would melt any woman’s heart. It’s just downright Don Juan. But there’s also a part of me that wonders if he blew 15k down at Foxwoods over the weekend. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyl3jbj9p60]

So Youk is marrying Brady’s sister?

So Youk is marrying Brady’s sister?

That’s what everyone is saying….I’m just trying to picture the future baby. I see a baby that sweats a lot….makes funny faces before a pitch….maybe it will be a good dancer. There’s so many questions here….OHH BABY YOUK!!!





This got married today?

This got married today?

Yup…this 85 year old smoking dimepiece got married today… ….being a rich Spanish duchess had nothing to do with it dude…..just look at that lip and the silver J5 fro!!!