Interview by Mark Doherty
Mike what parts of Dorchester are you from?
Mike : The part’s of Dorchester I am from are Savin Hill and Cedar Grove. Lived in Savin Hill for a few years after I was born and then my family moved to Cedar Grove.
What’s the funniest thing you ever seen in Dot?
Mike : The funniest thing I ever seen in Dorchester was Ronald McDonald getting blitzkrieged by egg throwers at Walsh park a ways back. Some kids I guess from that area were laying in the wait for Ronald and when he came around to glad hand, wave and do his smiley clown thing he got more than he bargained for.
What’s your favorite memory from here?
Mike : My personal favorite Dorchester moment was seeing the Pope John Paul park open up. The area desperately needed a park like PJP park. The upkeep of it has been great as has been the extended bike path too.
What does Dorchester mean to you?
Mike : Dorchester means real deal community. It is a civic minded area that has people from all walks of life trying to make better neighborhoods. People throughout Dorchester as well are politically active as well.
Let’s talk about your band Street Dogs. You guys are doing a European Tour this summer,tell me about that.
Mike : We are hitting Europe this summer to do festivals and headlining shows. We are really pumped to have Lenny Lashley aboard and we look forward to playing the new songs as well.
Are you guys gonna do your annual “Wreck the Halls” shows in Boston this year?
Mike : We are slated to do Wreck The Halls shows this year. Gotta keep the tradition going.
Tell me about the fund you guys set up for the Richard’s family from Dorchester, and how people can help out.
Mike : is just us giving up the song to the Richards family fund and a tshirt as well. When you buy our song or shirt all proceeds go to the Richards family fund . People also can donate directly to the fund as well.
Tell me about Pirate Press records,what you got goin on with them & Lenny Lashley
Mike : Pirates Press Records is putting out Street Dogs records now and Lenny’s solo stuff too it is an incredible label
Thanks to Mike for doin’ the interview, you’re a true Dot Rat.
If you don’t know who the Street Dogs are,do yourself a favor and check them out. One of the best bands goin’ right now. For more info on Street Dogs go to