Tag: Led Zeppelin

Coffee with a Tenor…

Coffee with a Tenor…

Years back I end up crossing paths with this burly Irish kid from Lynn. Being the prototypical young Dot Rat, I didn’t care much for people outside my own neighborhood but this kid was different. It seemed no matter what he did, it was with 

No Sleep till ‘N Sync?

No Sleep till ‘N Sync?

Well…the VMA’s are coming. It’s the only time of the year you get to actually see music performed on MTV. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGbX35cj81M Everyone is talking about this ‘N Sync reunion like its the second coming of Led Zeppelin or something. Sure…they sold tons of records…but we 

Dana White can sing!!

Dana White can sing!!

In my world Led Zeppelin is hands down the greatest rock band ever. 10 Years Gone is one of my favorite songs by them. So when I have a chance to watch other people cover them I look for how close they get to the original studio recording. In my mind you don’t ruin a classic by putting your own spin on it.

Enter Virtual Zeppelin…these dudes put some serious time in and if you close your eyes you would swear it was original members. But I couldn’t help but notice their lead singer looks like a dead ringer for Dana White. When this dudes head came out of the darkness I lost my sh*t laughing….I really thought the president of the UFC was singing for a second.
