Tag: government

Dorchester is yours…and there’s an app for that…

Dorchester is yours…and there’s an app for that…

Do you know that SeeClickFix is fast becoming the standard for reporting issues to your city government? Boston is now using it integrated with the Open311 standard. This gives you direct access to their reporting systems at City Hall. Let’s say your rolling down Adams Street and you whack a 

Beat it traitor….

Beat it traitor….

So Scott Brown is co-sponsoring a bill that would strip terrorists of their American citizenship if they are found guilty of conspiring against America. There should be a deterrent in place to make our citizens pause before acting out against the America. Seems like a 

Dept of Homeland Security launches “pre-crime” detection program…

Dept of Homeland Security launches “pre-crime” detection program…

Dept of Homeland Security launches “pre-crime” detection program….

Ahh yes…and the fine line of tech and privacy gets toed yet again….