Tag: Dunkin Donuts

The coffee promise…

The coffee promise…

Remember that scene from the movie ‘The Money Pit” when Tom Hanks loses his sh*t because he’s finally hit his breaking point? Yup, that was me yesterday….laughing hysterically…..when I bought my final coffee from Dunkin Donuts. It has reached a point with Dunks where their coffee 

Double D’s and the cruller dilemma…

Double D’s and the cruller dilemma…

First off…I don’t eat doughnuts that often. But when I do, I prefer crullers. I walk into into a Dunks today and was jonesing for a donut….it’s been about 4 months since my last one (sounds like penance…I know)   After ordering the typical sh*tty 

Dunks and the styrofoam cup…

Dunks and the styrofoam cup…

It’s every Masshole’s right….right? You know the people that request the extra styrofoam cup for their iced coffee at Dunks. It does keep your coffee cooler but think of all that extra trash…

Well, South Shore native and friend of Dotrat.com actress Marguerite Insolia has made a PSA with her character “Dolly” to petition Dunks to drop this practice. Save your cups people!!



Dunks parking wars…

Dunks parking wars…

So I roll into a dunks this morning when all of a sudden Mario “cart” Andretti rips in front of me. No blinker…no sorry…nothing. Then homeboy pulls into the handicapped spot and walks in without so much as a limp. I have nothing but respect 

Is it that important?

Is it that important?

Nobody likes a cup of mud in the morning more than me. It’s a ritual practiced daily by billions of us around the world. Coffee rocks…and I’m drinking one right now. But this morning I should have been passing out “I’m an asshole” t-shirts on