Tag: driving

Hands Free?

What’s up people! It’s been a few for sure – just been praying to Ninkasi drinking massive amounts of cerveza and trying to enjoy this summer as much as possible before that asshole named winter shows up again. Sorry, just not in the mood for the 

Dunks parking wars…

Dunks parking wars…

So I roll into a dunks this morning when all of a sudden Mario “cart” Andretti rips in front of me. No blinker…no sorry…nothing. Then homeboy pulls into the handicapped spot and walks in without so much as a limp. I have nothing but respect 

The cure for Boston traffic…

The cure for Boston traffic…

We all know about our total disregard for traffic laws around Boston. Road rage is a daily occurance for me…mostly because I dont care for people who put my life in danger to send that text or a make a phonecall. The dbags who never use blinkers or the pedestrian a$$holes who have just cant conceive a DONT WALK signal.

So I have decided to stop screaming at people….and take a more proactive approach.

I’m getting a train horn…..and I can’t F%*&#* wait to hit rush hour with it.
