Tag: Dorchester

Thirsty Thursdays….

Thirsty Thursdays….

So it looks like the Eire Pub and J&J’s are topping our poll for cheapest drinks. Make sure you chime in! [polldaddy poll=5664596]

The Wahlburgers review…

The Wahlburgers review…

Let me start by saying I am truly a burger aficionado. As a kid my buddies referred to me as Wimpy because I ate burgers constantly. Now that I’m older, I’m lucky if I have 2 a month because I keep an eye on what 

Savin Hill vs Adams Corner…

Savin Hill vs Adams Corner…

Well it’s D-Day….we need to choose who will stand up for us at city hall. The campaign trail has been an absolute brawl. What it will ultimately come down to is how each candidate conveyed the message that regardless of what section of Dot they are from, the entire district will get equal treatment. Not an easy thing to pitch because Dot Rat’s are cynical by default. If your candidate is Baker you assume he will try to get a casino built on Malibu beach. If your candidate is O’Toole you assume he will try to get the Irish embassy built on top of the Eire Pub. Or you could vote for me and I will get both done for you because my ideas are just kick @ss. Have fun today and make sure you get out to the polls!

[polldaddy poll=5554235]

Talk about accents….

Talk about accents….

Ahhh….there’s something so nice about that distinct Dorchester twist on our famous accent. 6 days to go people….. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=633XVNaBG54] [polldaddy poll=5554235]

Get this trash out of the neighborhood…

Get this trash out of the neighborhood…

So this a$$hole at 37 Neponset Ave decided to leave his 2 and 7 year old kids to mind his stuff. The problem here is the “stuff” was crack cocaine, an unsecured weapon and 543 rounds of ammo. I’m sure you all know the corner 

The JFK show….

The JFK show….

How privileged we are to have JFK’s library in our backyard. He meant so much to so many people, especially the Irish, Catholic and Black folks of our country. He was a dynamic man and his list of achievements are long. Like many, I always considered the Cuban missile crisis his finest hour.  Khrushchev considered JFK a weak and naive president primarily because of his age up to that point. JFK basically gave him the finger and said if he didn’t get his missiles out of Cuba he would turn the Soviet Union into a parking lot on national TV. We found out years later it was a backroom deal that RFK negotiated to get our missiles out of Turkey that sealed the deal and kept peace.


JFK had common sense though. He knew we could not move forward with the Soviets after this breakdown unless he took a more progressive stance with them. He already proved we would not be pushed around….but he had to extend an olive branch so we could work together.  As it turned out….it was something the Soviets needed. They just wanted a high five for the things they accomplished as a country. Khrushchev was an oppressive hard nosed leader…he was hardened in the trenches of Stalingrad. But he was actually touched after JFK made this speech at American University in June of 63. This is just pure diplomatic genius….he didn’t show weakness but still gave them props.


Personally, I enjoy Kennedy’s humor….he was sharp and quick….you would swear he honed his skills at a pub on Dot Ave.


Get over there if you haven’t been to the library in a while….it’s a great day out with the family and the crown jewel of Dorchester. November would be the month to remember him.

Anderson Cooper visits Dot…

Anderson Cooper visits Dot…

The Dorchester Reporter released a article on Anderson Cooper’s visit to Dorchester and the The Boys and Girls club. You can view the article and video HERE.

The Wiffle Ball Pedro…

The Wiffle Ball Pedro…

Was there anything better than a game of wiffle ball with your buddies? You didn’t need to hoof it down to the  park, because you weren’t going to smash out anyone’s windows or dent a car.  Everyone wanted to play and you didn’t need a 

O’Toole,Baker or Chuck Norris?

O’Toole,Baker or Chuck Norris?

11 days to go and they have to be taking action on this out in Vegas. Who’s your boy? I have to admit O’Toole looked like Chuck Norris the other day. Just staring down criminals in the streets of Dot making them surrender out of fear!!  ; )

[polldaddy poll=5554235]

The DotRat pizza poll….

The DotRat pizza poll….

It’s one of America’s favorite foods…Dorchester is no exception. If you have a place you would like to add to the poll….drop a line. [polldaddy poll=5620115]