It’s time to do a spotlight on a band that is as readily identified with Dorchester as our beloved Street Dogs. Dead Friends was formed in the fall of 2008 and have spent the last 3 years refining their hardcore punk sound. They say all music can invoke an emotion, the Dead Friends sound makes me want to tear down the Mass Pike in a vintage muscle car or pinball through a massive mosh pit.
I had a chance to speak a bit with front man and fellow Dot Rat Mark Doherty today and he’s excited about the future of the band. He mentioned the band is working on a new album entitled “Institutionalized”. They have also managed to grab the #1 spot on the WZLX Boston Emissions Music Poll last week for their song “Stand Up”. You can find that single on iTunes by clicking HERE. The rest of their work can be found HERE.
I think the future is bright for Dead Friends, they are a hard working band with great influences. Keep and eye on them…..
Go grab one of their tshirts with that killer logo…

Here’s a ton of links for the band….
http://deadfriends.bigcartel.com/ http://www.deadfriendsboston.com http://twitter.com/DeadFriendsBos http://www.myspace.com/deadfriendsboston http://www.facebook.com/deadfriendsboston