Tag: comedy

Menino the Godfather?

Menino the Godfather?

Friggin Mumbles….is he the Godfather or Luca Brasi? You know he they needed 192 takes to get this right. Get me the f#$% casting director on the phone….everyone knows Mumbles is Luca Brasi. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j2ONndiFdA

An old favorite….

An old favorite….

Still makes me laugh…. (Language Alert) [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PsnxDQvQpw]  

Who’s better than Phil? Oh!!!

Who’s better than Phil? Oh!!!

Look at Phil, I mean just beating the women away….olive oil charm everywhere. Trew the football….yous guys….Im wit tree of my friends. Phil is just THE talian stallion…..women tribe on dat…

I need to buy a head band and get my hair feathered pronto…….


The swearing kid…

The swearing kid…

This is a prime example of a kid listening when you think he’s not. It’s a common mistake tons of parents make….and most times you can ignore it, bite your lip and move on. But sometimes your toddler tells you to F*!@ Off….and you can’t control your 

The JFK show….

The JFK show….

How privileged we are to have JFK’s library in our backyard. He meant so much to so many people, especially the Irish, Catholic and Black folks of our country. He was a dynamic man and his list of achievements are long. Like many, I always 

Nacho is a Dot Rat…

Nacho is a Dot Rat…

I gotta get Nacho to my next party…… I need to get drunk with this guy..



Wont you be my neighbor…

Wont you be my neighbor…

Hi neighbor! Yup…good old Mr Rogers. But he almost ceased to exist in my house. Could you imagine life without Mr. Rogers doing his thing on your old black and white TV set? Ma stayed at home with us kids…and she would hang in the 

Southie Housewives?

Southie Housewives?

Meet the Real Housewives of South Boston…(fowl language alert) [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQoTlVgmPK8&sns=tw]

One bad a$$ blanket…

One bad a$$ blanket…

I can’t believe someone took the time to edit theme music into this….I just laughed till my eyeball felt like it was going to pop. This is by far the most gangster crocheted blanket on the planet…….all it needs is a bottle of Hennessy next to it.


Fuhget about it….it’s Columbus Day..

Fuhget about it….it’s Columbus Day..

For Italians from all over this great country today is always special. They will be celebrating when the Vikings….I mean Columbus discovered America. For me it’s normally a day to relax with a day off of work. But today I’m going to grab my bocce