Your boy is a coffee nut as most of you folks may know from some of my previous rants. The best way to tell that you’re drinking good coffee is to try an establishment’s house blend. You know….that “go to” regular java with no frills, …
Ok, so this is long overdue. I tried to make this happen before and the polling system I used absolutely sucked. Sooooo…I’m doing it again….and this time it’s for all the beans <—–Right! – Damn your boy is shahp! What is your favorite local coffee spot? …
So I walk into Marylou’s in Quincy for an iced coffee Sunday morning. Now plenty of us are familiar with their business model. The place is essentially a scaled back Hooters of coffee. And for full disclosure there is not a place on the planet that will sell me coffee because some chick in yoga pants and a pink shirt is serving it. I don’t have the IQ of a cabbage….my grammar and spelling might say otherwise…..but let your product do the talking. I’m not a fan of having a snicker bar at the bottom of my coffee either, Marylou’s does offer that but I like to taste my coffee and Marylou’s has a legit dark roast…and I’m a fan.
This is a busy morning, you got all the heavy hitters rolling in from Dot and Southie who are nursing hangovers. The Milton crowd is there slumming….seeing how the other half lives (relax Milton…I’m kidding), and you got the regulars from around Quincy. Sunday morning is not an ideal time to work for anyone, especially for a crew of girls who tend to their social lives on a Saturday night. But hey, the tips are probably worth waking up for. Anyway….I’m standing in line for a few minutes….the girls are moving the crowd along nicely….and then it appears to take my order.
An attractive girl by most standards…your typical size 0 with a personality to match her size number…in other words a straight rattlesnake .
As soon as she turned around the transaction started with a roll of her eyes. I love a good verbal joust and this girl was being a complete bitch to the previous customers so I crack a massive smile and say “How ahhh ya hun? Can I have a medium iced dahk roast regulah please?’. She looks at me like I have four heads…which I was totally expecting. “What do you mean by Dahk Roast?” Most of the friendlier girls would just serve me French roast or maybe an Italian roast but I was asking this girl to think on purpose because I knew she was sporting a massive hangover and I didn’t really like her attitude. I say “You know, I like a bold coffee, give me something I can chew on.” ….well this just confused the sh*t out of her. She looks at me with a dead straight face and says “You mean like coffee grinds?”. Have you ever laughed so hard you can feel your nostrils flaring? Matt knows what I’m talking about….
My buddy Kev is standing directly behind me and is completely on the same page. He leans in while I’m trying to control my laughter and says “Relax hun, kick off your hair and let your feet down”….she turns her head like the RCA dog.
Tears are rolling down my face and I can’t even speak I’m laughing so hard. Lindsey LoHand is visibly pissed at this point because the people in line behind me are starting to laugh too. Kev leans in again “Just give him French Roast.”
My point is simple, looks only get you so far in life. The sexiest people in the world are also some of the nicest.
Sure, nobody is going to be handing my chubby ass a pink Marylous shirt anytime soon (but I am a sexy beast in yoga pants…just sayin). But I always treat people with respect…unless of course the situation dictates otherwise. And man was this chick a dictator……
This is in no way a dig at Marylou’s as a whole or the tons of great women that work there. Besides, I don’t need a surprise in my coffee someday. Then I would have to get the PS Gourmet chicks involved and sh*t would get real in a hurry.
So the good folks down at PS in Adams Village are offering buy 1 get 1 free coffee all day today. Its customer appreciation day….nice gesture on their part. Place is rocking this morning. Welcome to Dot!
First off…I don’t eat doughnuts that often. But when I do, I prefer crullers. I walk into into a Dunks today and was jonesing for a donut….it’s been about 4 months since my last one (sounds like penance…I know) After ordering the typical sh*tty …
So the PS Gourmet shot their own commercial. Decent coffee, even better coffee cake in my opinion. One problem though….why is their commercial being aired in Miami on ESPN. Apparently the folks down in Miami think the commercial is hilarious because of the accents. I think the jump stahht guy steals the show…
Is it me or did the Starbucks chick get a really bad boob job back in the day? I am not personally a fan of fake cones…I think they make a girl look insecure. But I can’t help but feel bad for this girl….looks like …
Hi neighbor! Yup…good old Mr Rogers. But he almost ceased to exist in my house. Could you imagine life without Mr. Rogers doing his thing on your old black and white TV set? Ma stayed at home with us kids…and she would hang in the …