Tag: Birthday
A Dot Rat at Plaster Fun Time…
So I make the trek down to Braintree this evening to wish my God daughter a very happy birthday at Plaster Fun Time. Turning 4 is a pretty big deal and it was fun to watch a table full of little Dot Rats absolutely wreck the joint. I consider myself a renaissance man but I personally could never get into crafts. More times than not you could find me walking around the neighborhood looking for glassware and pottery to snipe…much to my parents dismay.
The party went well but about a half hour into it I couldn’t help but feel out of place. I kept thinking of that scene in Made where Vince Vaughn was being a fresh pr*ck to one of the workers at a similar operation. I even asked the chick working the room if they had ashtrays to paint…nobody laughed….WTF? But if there was ever a scene that captured my experience….this was it.