Tag: bigg dee

Coffee with Gio Dee…

Coffee with Gio Dee…

So yesterday I got to sit down with a man that is looking to change things. Gio Dee plans to put Boston back on the map in the Hip Hop world. Not only for himself, but so all his fellow artists can prosper. I would 

Nothing Ordinary…

Nothing Ordinary…

I honestly can’t think of a better Hip Hop song on the radio right now. Every other song out there feels stale by comparison. Help support Bigg Dee and buy “Ordinary” on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/ordinary-single/id574697568 . His new album Fashionably Late is out next month. I’m hoping 

Bigg Dee is a Dot Rat!

Bigg Dee is a Dot Rat!

That’s right….this guy feels a bit like Sean John this morning….well minus the 400 million dollars.  I wouldn’t even care if the roof blew off my house because my boy Bigg Dee is sporting a Dot Rat “DMC” shirt in his latest video with Chris Classiqk.


Now I know not every reader on my site is a fan of hip hop. I happen to love it…probably because of growing up in a diverse neighborhood. I was exposed to it at a very young age and can remember tuning into NYC radio stations with my cousins tubeset radio back in the early 80’s. Back then there wasn’t a station in Boston that played hip hip. I remember being floored by what I was hearing…it was amazing to me that someone could rhyme, string it into a story and hold the beat. Within those first few years it’s all you started to hear in the halls of the public schools around Dorchester. I think it’s one of the great American art forms that should be held in the same regard as Jazz or Blues. If you disagree….try doing it yourself. It’s as if you’re trying an instrument for the first time. All the credit for the founding of Hip Hop goes to DJ Kool Herc

Recently a student at Boston University by the name of Lee Feiner did a documentary called “The Zone”. In this doc he takes a peek at athletes, professionals and artists and how they tap into this place in their conscious where they are able to excel at their craft. To apply some science to it is very interesting…..here is Bigg Dee and the Chef Boyz in their segment of that documentary.

Keep your eyes open for Bigg Dee’s newest album “Fashionably Late” which should be released very soon. Check out his pages below and make sure you support a fellow Dot Rat!




Want your own DMC? Go to the swag shop : http://dotrat.spreadshirt.com/

Bigg Dee invades Worcester…

Bigg Dee invades Worcester…

That’s right “Wistah” ….you have been warned. My favorite Boston linguists Bigg Dee and the #chefboyz are bringing a fresh brand of Boston hip hop into your neck of the woods this Friday @ The Venue. Bring your cameras….because someday you will want to show 

The Red Sox trap…

The Red Sox trap…

I’m sitting here drinking my coffee on Morrissey listening to Bigg Dee….minding my biz…. then I’m hit with the smell of Molsen and gravy fries. Usually when other baseball fans walk through my neighborhood I’m obliged to talk sh*t…..in good fun of course…sometimes you strike 

How do you celebrate 71,500 hits?

How do you celebrate 71,500 hits?

First You say thanks to everyone who stopped by to read some of this little experiment.  Next, you buy everyone a beer and a Dot Rat shirt then put it on Mitt Romney’s tab.

Then you slap on your fluffy halloween Afro and celebrate old school Dot Rat style with none other than Kool and the Gang.


Seriously, thanks to Big George for motivating me almost a year ago, Adam @ Universalhub, Bill @ The Dorchester Reporter, Billy “Sugar” Traft for kicking ass for Dot and looking dapper while doing it, my incredible family, Pat Rosso from the Globe for buying the very first Dot Rat shirt (That’s right…frame it Pat!) and Bigg Dee and the Chef Boyz for the radio shout out last week!!

Can you tell I’m psyched?

That’s the way it goes!!


Harlem Street…

Harlem Street…

So I’m sitting here thumbing through Twitter posts when I see  Bigg Dee and the Chef Boyz are on Unregular Radio reaching out with condolences for the families of the loved ones lost on Harlem Street last weekend. The whole thing got me thinking. I