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Rumble @ the Victory Road Armory…

Rumble @ the Victory Road Armory…

Many of you know the Grealish family has been operating a Boxing Gym in Dorchester for many years.   My younger brother used to hang around their gym, and I would probably credit the Grealish family for my bro surprising the sh*t out of me with 

Dead Friends invade Somerville…

Dead Friends invade Somerville…

Are you in the mood for some an ear punishing good time? Maybe a few bruises via the mosh pit? Why not spend the evening with fellow Dot Rat Mark Doherty of the Dead Friends? Ever wondered how it would feel to give that boss 

The Boston Beer-A-Thon?

The Boston Beer-A-Thon?

First off I don’t know about Jersey Shore with his Italia shirt but this looked like a decent time. I totally think Dorchester could do a much better job at something like this.



I propose to you the Dot Keg-A-Thon.

Why a keg? Well they are portable….and Dot Rats don’t stop at 2AM. All the kegs can be rolled right into the parks and then its last person standing. Security would handle itself because Jersey Shore wouldn’t dare stand out on Dot Ave telling people to “hide ya girls”. Yeah I know we do all this on Dot Day…but why not late fall too? Can you imagine one flat price to pound beers at every bar on Dot Ave? That’s straight magic right there….I’m getting excited.

Until this gets done you always have the Dot Rat Halloween Party @ Florian Hall on October 26th. You know that will be epic!



More Sugar!

More Sugar!

Just got the word that our official ass kicker Billy “Sugar” Traft will be fighting November 10th. You can always count on Bill fighting like a Dot Rat…the leather will fly my friends. Once I get all the concrete details you will be first to 

Thursday is for Massholes…

Thursday is for Massholes…

This is internet gold right here…..come on Dorchester…you all phoned in a worm! Episode 2 people….enjoy! [youtube=]

Commercial of the year?

Commercial of the year?

So B.D. Liquors out in Worcester absolutely nailed it with this commercial. They know why you’re there…you’re looking to get sh*tfaced. So why not cut to the chase….



Street Hockey time…

Street Hockey time…

I gotta admit this flick 363: The Road to the Southie 3-on-3 is pretty bad ass. What a production….Danny Picard and his boys did an incredible job making it. I felt like I was watching an ESPN special or something. It brought back good memories 

New Cool Rule…

New Cool Rule…

If you’re a lottery buzzard….you are not allowed to hold up the line at a convenience store for 40 min while you waste your SSI check. lot·tery buz·zard noun ˈlä-tə-rē alsoˈlä-trē ˈbə-zərd a : a vagabond typically found in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston Massachusetts who’s time is spent playing 

Massholes Episode 1

Massholes Episode 1

Well….I have been waiting for it since mid summer….here you go people.

I give you Massholes….Enjoy!!

The Boston Derby Dames…

The Boston Derby Dames…

I have always wanted to grab a case of beer and watch a roller derby….seems like a blast. Problem is I never knew Boston had it’s own crew. Apparently the Boston Massacre has been kicking ass and taking names. Check out their website [youtube=]