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Dropkicks in Dot…

Dropkicks in Dot…

That’s right Dot Rats…the Dropkick Murphys are filming a video in Dorchester this weekend. I just wanted to say thanks to them for picking Dot as their backdrop. [youtube=] Also…a big shout out to Mark from Dead Friends for the heads up.

Purple knuckle and a dream…

Purple knuckle and a dream…

Now how am I supposed to take DreamRyde seriously? Purple? Really? Everyone knows the only guy that can pull that sh*t off is Prince. You got the lead singer in purple panty hose pulled up to her ribcage just waiving purple knuckle all over the 

It’s Better with the Top Off….

It’s Better with the Top Off….

It’s Thursday…..time for Massholes Episode 4


Watch out Uber…here comes Hailo…

Watch out Uber…here comes Hailo…

You may have heard the ranting over the past few months over the use of the Uber app and how it’s been taking money out of the hands of Taxi drivers all over the city. Have no fear cabbies! Hailo should be live soon to 

Dennis Lehane gives a tour…

Dennis Lehane gives a tour…

If you read Dennis Lehane you know he’s one brilliant Dot Rat. I’m a huge fan of history so watching him give this little tour based on his book The Given Day was awesome. I’m not 100%, but I thought I read somewhere this was 

The transplant effect…

The transplant effect…

So everyone is familiar with the 363 Southie 3 on 3 video from last week. Well Danny Picard threw this up on his FB page yesterday :

I closed out today’s show with a passionate rant directed at the “new residents” in South Boston who are attempting to turn our sacred Street Hockey Court into another tennis court.

That’s right….the “new residents” are trying to demolish the hockey rink that for generations has meant so much to so many in South Boston. While you will never hear me come straight out and renounce investment within any of the neighborhoods of Boston. One thing you will see me defend to my dying breath is the destruction of Bostonian culture. With gentrification comes a dilution of the local traditions that make up the fabric of the neighborhood in which it takes place. It’s ok to have people from other parts of the state or the country settle in Boston and rub elbows with the locals. In a perfect world “new residents” bring their traditions to the table while locals share theirs. Traditions on both sides are to be respected and embraced but never infringed upon….therefore creating balance.

Don’t listen to my Boston accent and assume it’s an oddity. Listen to it and assume it’s derived from the way a Bostonian spoke before we started the American Revolution. When was the last time you heard someone from Britain pronounce their R’s?


This rink represents one of those South Boston traditions and should be respected as such. Whether it was just a matter of climate or Bobby Orr, hockey has been embedded in our Bostonian DNA. I know the outsiders really think it’s all about Fenway, pink hats, and Sweet Caroline but we truly are a hockey town. The Bruins are an original six team for good reason.

Long before there was interest in Southie as a trendy place to live, neighborhood kids found refuge in places like the Farragut rink. To some it’s a place to socialize, to others a place that helps foster a career in hockey and to parents it’s served as a place for kids to focus and stay out of trouble. When those kids grow to have families of their own, they return to Farragut with their sons and daughters….and the tradition is passed on. Much like playing Tennis may be a tradition in an affluent Connecticut suburb.

Now why does a Dot Rat have so much passion about a rink in Southie?

Along with many families of Irish decent around Boston, our American story began in South Boston roughly 140 years ago on West  2nd street. Aside from the roots, I feel a kinship with residents of Southie. Many of us traveled the same paths, went to the same schools and had intertwined families. I always got the sense our core principals were in line, and that we are cut from the same cloth.

Most of all, if someone was pulling this sh*t in one of our parks I would expect South Boston to have our backs.

One thing we can brag about in Boston is preservation of history and tradition. I don’t want Southie to become the next Brighton. Do you know anybody born and raised in Brighton? How about Allston? Exactly….

The folks at city hall should listen up….

How to ditch a stage 5 clinger…

How to ditch a stage 5 clinger…

Check out the new Massholes episode 3: [youtube=]

Can I have your autograph?

Can I have your autograph?

Check out Jason Terry of the Celtics harassing people all over Boston for their autographs. You gotta love this guy! People really don’t know how to handle it…kind of makes you appreciate what these guys have to deal with on a daily basis. [youtube=]

Gotta love dogs…

Gotta love dogs…

I figured I would start Tuesday off will a cute Boston Terrier that enjoys being tickled. I’m a huge fan of dogs that do weird sh*t…so I had to post this little porka.


Do you live on Bullsh*t Mountain?

Do you live on Bullsh*t Mountain?

The Rumble 2012 was incredible …. if you have some time please watch. Who won? (cough cough jon stewart cough) Umm…you be the judge. [youtube=]