For Keith…

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Keith Boudreau is widely considered a gentleman and a loving dad. This is your prototypical Dot Rat, a hard working St. Brendan’s/Bosco alumni who is as quick with a smile as he is on a basketball court. Handsome, athletic, well spoken and charming – Keith was the apple of many a girls eye – yet with all the tangibles that make most men gloat, Keith would still be the first one to admit his own flaws…..his sense of humility is deeply rooted back in Dorchester. That sheer honesty and grounded nature was obvious even twenty plus years back when we first met. Since then, I really can’t recall anyone uttering a bad word about him….ever. He’s one of those people that is just a joy to be around and would never flinch at helping a friend….and it seems he had them everywhere.
Then we have Paul Fahey…..the polar opposite of my old friend.
Where do I start with Paul? Do I really need to go at length about how cowardly it is to sucker punch someone? Did this slob build a reputation by attacking people? Why would any motorcycle club want to be associated with a coward like this – have they really lowered standards this much? Was there anything honorable or tough about going after someone who was not 100% nor given a heads up that he was actually in a fight? Did he really brag about being a sucker punch artist in front of the bar? Why didn’t this man have the guts to look at Keith’s family today?
Here’s couple of things I do know….
#1 – If Keith Boudreau was given a chance to defend himself – things would have turned out much differently.
#2 – Paul Fahey isn’t a tenth of the man Keith Boudreau is…..
My thoughts and prayers are with the entire Boudreau family today – Stay Strong!
How unbelievable true. Keith had my back many times. Held out his hand if I needed and always gave a shoulder to cry on. Paul and the others involves in this are such cowards.
You are very much loved and honored Keith and I will pray as much as possible. We love you! Amber, Steve and Aiden
Dear Lord, please keep our Keith safe and free. I sooo love this man! Never could have imagined the friendship I found with him 14 years ago but it was great and it was real! Blessed for knowing you, Buddy! XO
I believe Paul was solo in his actions. Wonder what his girlfriend was doing while he beat this poor man up.
Awesome. Great words well said my man!!
I just heard about this yesterday and said to myself, “not Keith Boudreau!”. Keith was one of the first kids that I’d met after moving to Dot back in ’87 to live with my father. Looking for something to do, I made my way down to Toohey and started playing hoop. It was a little intimidating being the new kid down there, but Keith was always cool. I always appreciated that. He was just a good dude.
My prayers are with him and his family.
Mike you hit it on the head again Keith was a man among men and that asshole, is just an asshole. I am sick to my stomach knowing this piece of garbage is allowed to breath air after what he did. I hope that saying every dog has its day is true. Because Fahey is nothing but a DOG!
That was beautiful. It is an unimaginable beast that could commit such a heinous and senseless act. Praying for Keith and all who love him!
I had the great pleasure of knowing
Keith for the last year and half or so great guy do anything for u and that’s no bull. He helped me and others threw desperate times as himself was doing the same. To young to quick love ya brother.
If Keith Boudreau were in the dictionary it would say: devoted dad, loving son & brother, infectious smile, unlimited heart, true friend and etc. I could go on. Keith and his son Kyle’s mom, Kelley were my rock. They babysat my daughter while I worked and went to school for my bachelor’s degree! He brought her everywhere he went with Kyle. Zoo, Catle Island, Mount Washington, Water Wizz….I could go on. As we enter this Holy Week, say a prayer for Keith to St. Pio of Pietrelcina, the Patron Saint for Pain, Suffering & Healing. Keith, we love you and we are praying for you!!!!
Thank you for taking the time to write such kind words about Keith….he loved you very much and was a true friend to all I am beyond devastated…..
Keith a pleasant respectful guy who got along with everyone . God bless .
And another dot rat comment.. Along with the scum who did this to Keith…the patrons, bartenders and owners present should be charged. How do you stand by and let anyone be stomped and dragged out the back door of a bar!!! I don’t know who owns the license for this fine establishment but I will do anything and everything to make sure “home ice sports bar” has its license revoked!!
DEANNA: My thoughts exactly…
I did not know Keith Boudreau. As I read the comments left by those who knew him, I wish that someday that I had the chance to meet him. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire Boudreau family. Karma is a bitch. The coward who did this will get his day…
Keith and i did out apprenticeship together for McCusker Gill and became good friends. And i can honestly say ive never met kid with more heart in my life. He had a work ethic and an approach to work that i admire to this day. He was as genuine, hard working, caring and loyal as anyone ive ever known. He was also one of the most well liked guys in all of local 17. We all have our struggles in life, but keith never let his change who he was, And he never judged anyone else about theirs. A genuine good kid and dot rat. Rest easy my brother, see you on the other side…
I dont know keith but do know some of his family and friends. Its clear he is very loved and cared for. Prayers for him, his children and family.
Here in michigan, our uncles girlfriends brother was sucker punched. However, he is a twin and the creep that punched went after the wrong twin. Very sad that a look or movement or word may cost you your life no matter where you are anymore. Wheres the protection? Where does the violence end?
May god be with you all
I did not have pleasure of knowing Keith, but I wish I had because the way You had described him is truly 100 percent the polar opposite of paul fahey. Unfortunately I had the displeasure of knowing fahey roughly twenty years ago. He is a few years older than me and would always somehow find where we were hanging out & just invite himself & put everyone on edge because he might attack someone unprovoked. There is so much more I could say, but I won’t waste any more time on that p.o.s. My thoughts& prayers are with the Boudreau family and his friends
I have been siting here trying to type how I feel right now, and I don’t think anything I say about my beautiful friend will come close to doing him justice. What I DO know is that he was truly one of the “Good Ones”. We spent so many hours on end talking about the boys, his Mom, and the positive changes he wanted to make in his life. We cried together, laughed together, changed one another by having a shoulder to lean on … no matter what, no questions asked, and NEVER judgement. I Love You Keith, with all my heart…
My prayers are with the family at this horrible time. What kind of animal does this to another person and shame on those who watched and did nothing.
Mike, you are exactly right my friend! Keith was as genuine a man as you will ever find. He was everyone’s friend and would do anything for anyone, whether he knew them or not. I had the pleasure of being one of Keith’s close friends since 2nd grade and I loved him like a brother! Rest in peace my friend.
Love you Keith Chris and I miss you
Thinking about you on this day Keith