Author: dotrat

The boys are back…

One sailor, one Marine and two soldiers – all good friends and some of Boston’s finest. Glad I could welcome you home boys….hope you all had a blast! L to R – Braedan Kerins (US Army), Pat Nee (US Navy) , Andrew Donovan (US Army) 

All in the Pharmacy…

Only in America does the family who made billions off the drug that directly sparked our modern day heroin epidemic make the Forbes list. I guess it’s only fitting the Sackler family make into a publication with the Forbes namesake. The Forbes family knows how 

Welcome home Jimmy…

There aren’t many of us who can’t recall our younger years and the excitement that came with the sound of hockey sticks cracking the pavement on a warm summer evening in Dorchester. Once supper was done, the kids would barrel down the stairs, grab their sticks and empty on to the streets….following those sounds to pickup games with fellow Dot Rats. The nets often fashioned from PVC plumbing pipes, goalie pads and blockers made of sofa foam and gloves that doubled duty at Mill Stream and Cedar Grove. Masks of course were sometimes optional but, if you had one….you painted it like Gerry Cheevers did.


Often I find myself missing those innocent days….when life was so easy it fostered this amazing environment for us to dream big.  Some of these bonds built over hockey have lasted a lifetime. It’s common to find two old friends shooting the breeze over a few beers recollecting the days when they too dreamed of being a Boston Bruin. It is although, far less common to find folks that actually made their dream a reality….

While It sure is good to have a Dot Rat on the ice with our beloved Boston Bruins. It’s even better to have a new reason to show kids that it’s good to dream big….

Welcome home Jimmy Hayes!

I’ve got bosses…

It’s not often that credit is given to our politicians for a job well done. Beating them up is almost a sport in this country. It is after all an appealing and validating opportunity for a common man to voice his opinion and be the 

Weight loss with a vet…

This has got to be the most honest advice regarding fitness I have ever seen. It’s spoken like a true soldier that just doesn’t have time for bullshit….enjoy.

It’s good to be a kid…

Back in the day I used to have beg the old man to take us down to Nantasket or Starland to catch some thrills. If that didn’t work it meant a trip over to the Quincy quarries for a jump off of rooftop or ships point with the hopes you didn’t jump onto that car antenna everyone talked about.

Well this kid hit the jackpot because dad happens to be an aerial acrobat and judging by her responses…the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree.

The Dorchester Nightcap…

I always thought a Dorchester nightcap was a 1/4 ounce of really strong weed rolled into a single blunt. After you finish one of these and stuff your face with a bag of Dot Shrimp – its usually minutes before you’re sawing wood… Man I 

Bred is the bomb…

As you all know…I don’t play when it comes to burgers. So when I tell you to get down to Bred in Lower Mills and support a couple of fellow Dot Rats…I mean business. Their burgers are are absolutely ridiculous….and 100% Dot Rat approved! Check out 

How bout them Hawks…

Happy Birthday Martin…

You may be gone but few will forget how you managed to unite an entire city. Happy 11th birthday – Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Richard clan today.