Author: dotrat

Savin Hill is all class…

Savin Hill is all class…

There’s an ebb and flow to life…. Often I find myself feeling gross after a half hour of local news and this morning was no exception. Let’s face it…bad news and misery sells and the big networks have built lucrative businesses because of it. But, 

For Menino…

For Menino…

He was a tough, unapologetic Bostonian that loved his city. He guided Boston through two of the most dynamic decades in history. Helping it evolve with emerging technology and transforming the way Boston did business with its residents. All this while dealing with ever changing domestic security threats 

The night before eggmageddon…

The night before eggmageddon…

Twas the night before Halloween and all through the hood……nope….thats not going to work.

Ever try to buy eggs in Dorchester the night before Halloween? The supply tends to be a bit lean right? That’s because all the little pricks in the neighborhood buy them up for a one night of pure unabashed assholishness the rest of the world refers to as Halloween….or still just egging if you’re Newton police.

There was a bit of nobility to the evening, during the course of the year you could always count on a number of people from around the neighborhood slighting you in one fashion or another. Maybe it was the old man that never gave a tip even though you dropped his newspaper off at 5AM sharp every morning. Or the bus driver who left your mom hanging in a snowstorm and laughed as he drove by. Perhaps you had a villain in your neighborhood. We had someone we referred to as “Piper”, a nickname taken from the famous WWF wrestler (And yes it will always be WWF). This guy moved into the Richard School after it was turned into condos and used to scream at all us 10 year olds hanging on the corner….he even chased us around the neighborhood a few times…kind of a scary cat.

If you were one of these individuals you went on a list. Justice for your terrible deeds would be exacted on Halloween. You got egged and you deserved it. Other than that, it was just an excuse to be a complete dick….and man was it fun. I’m debating whether I should get a crew together right now and assemble a stockpile…

Like anything in life, if you dish it out sometimes you have to take it. Karma is a bitch and your old pal Dot Rat has been both the egger and the eggie. In the mid 90’s my younger brother was taking the egg game to new levels. He had a mean drive by hook shot and could literally pelt hookers on Dot Ave while driving 30MPH. He enjoyed egging people so much the kid had a stockpile in his trunk year round. I thought it was a bit nuts but that was his thing. While most people his age were hitting bars and clubs. He was out buying new sneakers and egging people. What gives?

Anyway, he decided to turn his skills against me.

Late one Halloween night while sipping coffee in front of Dunks on Morrissey with some friends, a muffled crack stopped our conversation dead in it’s tracks. “What was that?” my friend Kristen asked me as she stood next to the Boston Globe machine with her java. Unsure, we continued our convo. About 10 seconds later all of a sudden….PAP! She gets an egg right off the side of her head. It broke in a fashion that stood her hair straight up like that scene in Something About Mary…

As I tried to control my laughter, I look into the night sky and see what resembled artillery fire in the form of eggs coming from the direction of the Murphy schoolyard across the street. I duck inside the hallway and start yelling shit like “incoming” and “take cover” like it’s f*cking Stalingrad.  The place looked like a crime scene after all the yolks had settled. The windows in front of Dunks were covered in egg. We all got our laughter under control and ran across the street hoping to catch some young kids with their stash. Nothing, whoever did it vanished like Ninjas.

I made no mention of it, this was normal stuff for the time of year. Then a week later my younger brother comes in the house with this “I just stole your lunch money” look on his face. I’m like “whats up with you”, he responds “ahhh nothing – heard you had a little egg problem down at Dunks the other night”.  Yeah, he stood there laughing his donkey off as I called him every name in the book….

Have fun out there tomorrow night people….and be good to the kids in your neighborhood!


Best Coffee in Dot…

Best Coffee in Dot…

Ok, so this is long overdue. I tried to make this happen before and the polling system I used absolutely sucked. Sooooo…I’m doing it again….and this time it’s for all the beans <—–Right! – Damn your boy is shahp! What is your favorite local coffee spot? 

A rainy October night…

A rainy October night…

Ten years ago on a rainy evening much like tonight, the Red Sox took a 19 run beating at the hands of the New York Yankees. I’m not certain what exactly happened that evening but, October 16th served as a turning point. It was if 

Looking Irish…

Looking Irish…

Big shout out to the best union screenprinters in the city – Beantown Athletics.

Get yours tomorrow at the Irish Heritage Festival

I Dont Play…

I Dont Play…

Been blasting this all morning… Been a few since I sounded off about a song I like and that’s usually because I get bored with what I’m hearing. I first heard this Pete Needy (Stay Puft Productions) beat in the 363: The Road to the 

Orange Line Surfing…

Orange Line Surfing…

Many moons ago I was a kid that enjoyed travelling all over the city on the T. Like any kid I got into trouble occasionally. Some of my compadres were a tad more daring than me….but you know what? I can’t ever remember any of 

The Dot Drone…

The Dot Drone…

Well, I’m a big kid at heart and I do love technology. So…I need to get one of these drones in my life and I’m already looking into the Let’s Fly Wisely drone buyers guide so that I can buy the best one for my budget and requirement. Sure I’m too old for toys but, I will not be getting the Ducati I want any time soon so this sh*t will have to suffice.

Why a drone you ask?

1 – Got a hot neighbor? A drone pays dividends here …

2 – Halloween – Why not rig it to drop eggs? The laughs are potentially endless…

3 – Lazy? – If you have a cool liquor store like Morrissey Blvd Wines & Liquor you can send a drone down to pick you up some Dot Ale and a pack of butts.  And you never have to leave your porch.

4 – Surveillance  – Tossing back a few cold ones in the middle of a park is your god given right as a Dot Rat. With the influx of yups into Dot you can almost count on somebody calling up the fuzz and ruining your party….and cops do love beer. Send up a drone! Save your beer!

5 – Amazon – If they really start using drones for delivery you can rig yours to knock them out of the sky. Before you know it you will end up with a new iPad.

The Southie effect…

The Southie effect…

If any of you have driven around Southie lately one thing that really stands out besides the burb baby posers is the obscene amount of over development. The buildings seem to have been conceived by architects to appeal to its ultra douche residents who may rather live in