Month: June 2012

For Whom the Bell Tolls…

For Whom the Bell Tolls…

So “For Whom the Bell Tolls” is one of the best Metallica songs ever….it’s one of those songs that makes you want to drive fast…a Mass Pike song. The guitar work is incredible, Lars sounds like he smashed holes in his drum kit and James 

Is he really that sweet?

Is he really that sweet?

Sure…a maneuver like this would melt any woman’s heart. It’s just downright Don Juan. But there’s also a part of me that wonders if he blew 15k down at Foxwoods over the weekend. [youtube=]

Dot Rat standup…

Dot Rat standup…

So I have known Dave Range and his family since diapers.  He has always had a twisted view of the world….and a knack for making people laugh. I must warn you ahead of time that his standup is a tad raunchy….but would you really expect anything less from a Dorchester comedian? The pride of Wrentham street has some skills dude!!!




The smartest kids in Dot…

The smartest kids in Dot…

I just wanted to send a shout out to those Dot Rats who were part of the Boston Latin class of 2012. Latin has always been one of the best High Schools in the country and I personally know it takes tons of hard work to graduate. Hats 

Vote for Brady…

Vote for Brady…

Cam Brady that is… I can’t wait for The Campaign to come out. [youtube=]  

Cops love beer…

Cops love beer…

So I’m browsing vids looking for inspiration when all of sudden I come across this restored 1991 Crown Vic. It immediately sparked memories of drinking beers in the parks around the neighborhood. On any given weekend night we would be gathered around a few cases of Bud or on a good night…a keg. All of us discussing the events of the week or discussing who we were going to “scoop” that evening.

All of us usually had our escape routes planned and we all had the 1000 yard stare….you could always make out that distinct Crown Vic shape. And every once and a while…when the boys from Gibson Street were low on brew…they would plan a raid of Branch Davidian proportions to replenish their stockpiles. At least that’s how we looked at it….

It was all innocent fun…and the boys were doing their job. But I never got over the girls in our crew. Some would actually hang around instead of running because they thought some of the cops where hot. Brian Waters always seemed to draw the biggest crowd. Again….all innocent…but it sucked when one of the girls you were eyeballing turned out to be a cop groupie!!


Dot Day Memories…

Dot Day Memories…

Here’s a great little video from a friend of, Patrick Rosso of the Boston Globe. Good work Pat! [youtube=]

An evening for John Quinn…

An evening for John Quinn…

There was a great turnout Friday night at Florian Hall. John Quinn was loved by many in Dorchester. Mark D. sent over a vid with some scenes from the evening… [youtube=]

KJ and Hondo….

KJ and Hondo….

Get after it Tommy…




Maria Menounos Motivates…

Maria Menounos Motivates…

Not sure if this really does anything for the Celtics…someone should have suggested a Celtics bikini….but she gets points for trying. [youtube=]