Month: February 2012

A little geek history…

A little geek history…

Could you imagine your life without the internet? Probably not…. Did you know the internet went live in 1969? Back then it was called Arpanet. Do you know what kind of role Massachusetts had in creating the internet? There’s a small inconspicuous campus that sits 

Who shanked the bouncer?

Who shanked the bouncer?

Apparently someone shanked the bouncer at the Pony Room last night….or Up’s and Downs for you youngins. I guess last night was a downer for the bouncer….he got stabbed in the leg while trying to break up a fight. Why am I not surprised? Universal 

Meatloaf gets the death sentence…

Meatloaf gets the death sentence…

and you thought I was going to break into Paradise by the Dashboard Light. No, the meatloaf I speak of is the one made by the Rock Island Food Company. “But DotRat…what was it’s crime?”  Well, meatloaf with mac & cheese as an accessory to induce hunger pains is a crime in my house…punishable by death.

Every once and a while you need those simple recipes that remind you of dinner at Ma’s house….and Rock Island seems to just nail it every time. I have a feeling 2012 is going to be a very big year for them  ; )

Cmon, you know he gets some…

Cmon, you know he gets some…

So I was reading one of my favorite sites for news….Universal Hub….and saw this dude giving out roses. What a brilliant idea…. I would take the Pepsi Challenge here and say out of those 50 roses…he could easily be 20 for 50. Think about it… 

Southie has rappers?

Southie has rappers?

I know…not the first place you would expect hip hop artists to call home. I do remember a good crew out of Southie back in the 90’s called Bonewinkle. But other than that it’s been pretty quiet. So here comes Double Vision…these 2 dudes look 

May I slow jam the news…

May I slow jam the news…

Lets face it…the news is depressing..I can only take it small doses. But if they switched to Jimmy Fallon’s format for slow jamming the news….I would watch it for hours. It’s brilliant!


To sum up the Superbowl…

To sum up the Superbowl…

Fitzy seems to have pinned it….nothing more to really say here. [youtube=]

Sh*t Italian Mom’s Say…

Sh*t Italian Mom’s Say…

Nobody loves you like Mama!! [youtube=]  

NKOTB and cougar tourism…..

NKOTB and cougar tourism…..

An old favorite post

Happy Valentines Day Dot Rats!!

Happy Valentines Day Dot Rats!!

Today is the day you cuddle up with your sweety and take a moment to remember the things brought you together in the first place. Life is nuts at times and it’s easy to lose sight of those things that sparked your “interest”. Whether your