Tag: Uber

The Uber perspective…

The Uber perspective…

liv·er·y  (lv-r, lvr) n. pl. liv·er·ies 1. A distinctive uniform worn by the male servants of a household. 2. The distinctive dress worn by the members of a particular group; uniform: ushers in livery. 3. The costume or insignia worn by the retainers of a feudal lord. a. The boarding and care of horses for a fee. b. The hiring out of horses and carriages. c. A livery stable. 5. A business that offers vehicles, such as automobiles or boats, for hire. 6. Law Official delivery of property, especially land, to a new owner.   hack·ney  (hkn)  pl. hack·neys 1. often Hackney A horse of a breed developed in England. 2. A trotting horse suited for routine riding or driving. 3. A coach or carriage for hire.   Do you see any differences here aside from how people dress? Hackney – commonly referred to as a taxi here in Boston….”a coach or carriage for hire”. The 

Watch out Uber…here comes Hailo…

Watch out Uber…here comes Hailo…

You may have heard the ranting over the past few months over the use of the Uber app and how it’s been taking money out of the hands of Taxi drivers all over the city. Have no fear cabbies! Hailo should be live soon to