Tag: Miami

The Aaron Hernandez option…

The Aaron Hernandez option…

Yeah, it sucked to watch the B’s go down in that fashion last night. Especially since they played such a good game after the first half of period one. But hey, look on the bright side, you could be Aaron Hernandez. Mr. Thug Nasty from 

Welcome Home Dot Rat!

Welcome Home Dot Rat!

So we have Dot Rats all over this great country of ours. My pal and fellow Dot Rat Patrick Keefe sent some pictures my way recently from Florida. His son Staff Sgt. Tony Keefe, also a proud Dot Rat, came home for Thanksgiving after an 18 month deployment 

PS Gourmet in Miami?

PS Gourmet in Miami?

So the PS Gourmet shot their own commercial. Decent coffee, even better coffee cake in my opinion. One problem though….why is their commercial being aired in Miami on ESPN. Apparently the folks down in Miami think the commercial is hilarious because of the accents. I think the jump stahht guy steals the show…