Tag: Dot

The Uber perspective…

The Uber perspective…

liv·er·y  (lv-r, lvr) n. pl. liv·er·ies 1. A distinctive uniform worn by the male servants of a household. 2. The distinctive dress worn by the members of a particular group; uniform: ushers in livery. 3. The costume or insignia worn by the retainers of a feudal lord. a. The boarding and care of horses for a fee. b. The hiring out of horses and carriages. c. A livery stable. 5. A business that offers vehicles, such as automobiles or boats, for hire. 6. Law Official delivery of property, especially land, to a new owner.   hack·ney  (hkn)  pl. hack·neys 1. often Hackney A horse of a breed developed in England. 2. A trotting horse suited for routine riding or driving. 3. A coach or carriage for hire.   Do you see any differences here aside from how people dress? Hackney – commonly referred to as a taxi here in Boston….”a coach or carriage for hire”. The 

These aren’t Bostonians…

These aren’t Bostonians…

First of all, if they put actual Bostonians in this video the sh*t would go viral inside of 24 hours. Could you imagine the first Dot or Charlestown kid that gets asked : Life is good in Boston because….. (Huge Pause) …….. “you f*ckin serious 

PS Gourmet Coffee comes to Dot…

PS Gourmet Coffee comes to Dot…

You know that spot in Southie that some of us Dot Rats flock to for a killer iced coffee. YA Dude….the word around Dot is they are setting up camp at the old Looney Liquors in Adams Corner. I don’t know about you but I’m pumped. A little piece of Southie right in Dot.. I guess when you sell your mother’s triple decker on East 8th street you need a new place to set up camp so the yuppies can walk their shi tzus in peace. Many of our Southie friends have settled in Dot….and they’re bringing the java with them. So the old saying goes….if your born south of the Charles River…you stay on the South Shore. If your born north of the Charles…..well….it’s the f*cking North Shore….who knows.

Now all I need is someone selling hot North Face gear and my life will be complete!

Check out their facebook page.

I’m Baaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!

I’m Baaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!

Sorry to all my beloved DotRats. Contrary to all the rumors, NO I didn’t marry Giselle’s sister.No I wasn’t in Bora Bora with the swedish bikini team. Unfortunately, I was the victim of a computer virus. Don’t worry I’m not contagious. Well the lesson I learned is