Month: October 2014

For Menino…

For Menino…

He was a tough, unapologetic Bostonian that loved his city. He guided Boston through two of the most dynamic decades in history. Helping it evolve with emerging technology and transforming the way Boston did business with its residents. All this while dealing with ever changing domestic security threats 

The night before eggmageddon…

The night before eggmageddon…

Twas the night before Halloween and all through the hood……nope….thats not going to work. Ever try to buy eggs in Dorchester the night before Halloween? The supply tends to be a bit lean right? That’s because all the little pricks in the neighborhood buy them 

Best Coffee in Dot…

Best Coffee in Dot…

Ok, so this is long overdue. I tried to make this happen before and the polling system I used absolutely sucked.

Sooooo…I’m doing it again….and this time it’s for all the beans <—–Right! – Damn your boy is shahp!

What is your favorite local coffee spot? I don’t mean the large chains – I’m talking about the places where saying extra extra extra and asking for 4 styrofoam cups is frowned upon.

I’m talking smaller shops where they actually care about sending you out the door ready for work. The type of place where you have to get out of your car instead of burning 15 gallons of gas in a drive thru while tying up street traffic….

The winner will get a pretty legit certificate for the wall letting everyone know the establishment is Dot Rat approved, a month of ad space on the site and this kick ass Dot Rat mug.


If you don’t see your favorite shop listed – you can add them in the “other” selection.

[yop_poll id=”6″]



A rainy October night…

A rainy October night…

Ten years ago on a rainy evening much like tonight, the Red Sox took a 19 run beating at the hands of the New York Yankees. I’m not certain what exactly happened that evening but, October 16th served as a turning point. It was if 

Looking Irish…

Looking Irish…

View this post on Instagram Check us out tomorrow at The Irish Festival with our new Irish dot rat t-shirts and hoodies! #DotRat #Dorchester #tshirts #hoodies #BeantownAthletics A post shared by Beantown USA (@btownusa1) on Oct 11, 2014 at 12:21pm PDT Big shout out to 

I Dont Play…

I Dont Play…

Been blasting this all morning…

Been a few since I sounded off about a song I like and that’s usually because I get bored with what I’m hearing. I first heard this Pete Needy (Stay Puft Productions) beat in the 363: The Road to the Southie 3on3 and it stood out then.

It’s old school, very melodic and rough around the edges like something you would hear from the great DJ Premier…. the crackling of the original wax helps it capture that Hip Hop essence. You couple this with the clever cadence of Natural and you’ve got yourself a winner. The song has been out for a couple of years, I’m late to the game and just starting to dig into the catalog, but this song is already filed in my classics folder….




Orange Line Surfing…

Orange Line Surfing…

Many moons ago I was a kid that enjoyed travelling all over the city on the T. Like any kid I got into trouble occasionally. Some of my compadres were a tad more daring than me….but you know what? I can’t ever remember any of 

The Dot Drone…

The Dot Drone…

Well, I’m a big kid at heart and I do love technology. So…I need to get one of these drones in my life and I’m already looking into the Let’s Fly Wisely drone buyers guide so that I can buy the best one for my