Month: July 2013

George’s drink of the week…

George’s drink of the week…

So my cousin George loves to experiment with booze. He’s got so many bottles of liquor he could fuel Brazil’s mass transit fleet for a week. So the mayor of Neponset avenue and I are sitting here listening to some old school Kurtis Blow and 

Dorchester gets it’s own beer…

Dorchester gets it’s own beer…

That’s right…Dot is so badass it finally got it’s own beer. For a person like me who loves beer so much so that I visited this go url last week to get a Kegerator at home, this news of Dot sounded exciting. The good folks 

Operation Bring Kenny Back

Operation Bring Kenny Back

My Massholes are back and doing it big apple style…

The Jason Aldean effect…

The Jason Aldean effect…

For whatever reason, ladies love Jason Aldean. Maybe it’s the mixing of rap and country. Maybe it’s the crooked nose, hoop earrings and the deer tattoo. Either way…Fenway was crawling with Jason’s adoring does over the weekend. And wherever there’s a bunch of drunk females 

It’s time to show up…

It’s time to show up…

Today I’m feeling a bit slighted, maybe even angry. Nobody could really imagine that “asshole #2” would have supporters standing outside the courthouse yesterday. I did see that a couple of people wandered over to bark at these attention whores….and bravo to them for chiming 

The return of Nowhere USA…

The return of Nowhere USA…

I can’t put it better than Jake and Elwood…

That’s right people, Nowhere USA is on a mission and performing their return show at Middle East on August 2nd. This is going to be a stacked show with Penalty KillCheech Boston and Last Call Brawl playing as well.  That’s 4 bands for 10 bucks a ticket. Do yourself a favor and order your tickets HERE before they sell out.

I’m expecting a massive turnout of fellow Dot Rats to welcome them back to the stage.

Check out our interview with Mark Doherty a few months back on Dot Rat Radio….

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


Time for some fireworks…

Time for some fireworks…

The 4th of July is definitely one of my top 3 holidays. I love the food, love the beer, love the weather but above all else…I love my country.  My pops was always one of the cool ones because every year he would take my