The coffee promise…

The coffee promise…

Remember that scene from the movie ‘The Money Pit” when Tom Hanks loses his sh*t because he’s finally hit his breaking point? Yup, that was me yesterday….laughing hysterically…..when I bought my final coffee from Dunkin Donuts. It has reached a point with Dunks where their coffee 

The Mac & Wahly show…

The Mac & Wahly show…

So I gotta send a big shout out to my good friend and birthday boy Tommy Mac for inviting me down to his shop a few days back. He was filming a show with another fellow Dot Rat and woodworking enthusiast, Paul Wahlberg. If you haven’t seen Tommy’s 

Where ya taking Ma?

Where ya taking Ma?

Wow…feels good to be back writing again. Trying to find inspiration to write can be tough at times but, I figured why not combine two things I love…Ma and food. Personally I enjoy cooking for Ma since she is the one who actually taught me. The 

The Marylou’s Cruise…

The Marylou’s Cruise…

So I walk into Marylou’s in Quincy for an iced coffee Sunday morning. Now plenty of us are familiar with their business model. The place is essentially a scaled back Hooters of coffee. And for full disclosure there is not a place on the planet 

Stem Cell Burgers?

Stem Cell Burgers?

I consider myself a progressive guy, and during any stem cell debate you can find me usually siding with scientists. My thought process is simple, if we have the technology to help a young child or an adult overcome some terrible disease….why not use it…who 

George’s drink of the week…

George’s drink of the week…

So my cousin George loves to experiment with booze. He’s got so many bottles of liquor he could fuel Brazil’s mass transit fleet for a week. So the mayor of Neponset avenue and I are sitting here listening to some old school Kurtis Blow and 

Dorchester gets it’s own beer…

Dorchester gets it’s own beer…

That’s right…Dot is so badass it finally got it’s own beer. For a person like me who loves beer so much so that I visited this go url last week to get a Kegerator at home, this news of Dot sounded exciting. The good folks 

The Molly Moo’s Cruise…

The Molly Moo’s Cruise…

So I’m talking with my brother a couple of weeks back and he starts going on and on about this ice cream shop over in Quincy. Both my brothers and I always shared the same 2 vices, chocolate chip cookies and a mocha frappes. Turns 

Live from Rino’s…

Live from Rino’s…

I don’t know about you, but there is no other food on the planet I love more than Italian. Even for an Irish lad, I consider myself pretty versed in Italian/American cuisine. Sh*tty commute aside, when I worked on the North Shore I was able 

Starbucks Karma…

So I walk into Starbucks this morning to order my usual  fuel. What struck me was the higher than normal amount of people sitting around acting productive on their internet devices of choice. It’s a typical day at my favorite coffee house. Here’s a company