Cheeseburgers for Nukes…

Cheeseburgers for Nukes…

So North Korea is giving up on further nuke testing and development in exchange for 240,000 tons of food aid.  Well this is good news, lets hope it sticks this time. Maybe Kim Jr. just loves Carls Jr. so much he just had to give 

Mumbles for president…

Mumbles for president…

Hope and change has come to Bossin!!

Mumbles on UMass Bossin…

Mumbles on UMass Bossin…

Watch our fearless leader just kill it as he breaks down how bad ass UMass Bossin is. Mumbles just spreads his vapors around like no other. Watch the guy at the end get Mumblized. Thank god for Mumbles!!

When Kevin White saved Boston…

When Kevin White saved Boston…

Many of us don’t remember, but this is a snapshot of a place in time where Kevin White and James Brown helped to calm the black population of Boston after losing MLK to an assassin’s bullet. This concert was almost cancelled out of fear of rioting….but Kevin 

Tim Thomas and the founding fathers…

Tim Thomas and the founding fathers…

Like any Bruins fan I have grown to love Tim Thomas, we owe him our gratitude for years to come. I have no problem with his decision not to show up at the White House. If you really think about it, his boycott is truly 

Deciphering Menino…

Deciphering Menino…

Sounds like a new book huh?  Opie and Anthony spent quite some time breaking down one of his speeches. Oversized mappins?

A gift for Mumbles…

A gift for Mumbles…

In honor of tha mayar of tha see of Bossin. I would like to present him with this shirt….         Thank Woo Mayar!! [youtube=]

Menino, Tebow and Weckler?

Menino, Tebow and Weckler?

Will someone please tell me who Res Weckler is? Is this a third stringer or something? Apparantly Tebow is a phenominom too…..Menino is just a beast when it comes to handling the tough questions. Thank god he’s mayar of tha see of Bossin. Thank Woo 

Warren Buffett regulates…

Warren Buffett regulates…

So Warren Buffett decided to bitch slap the GOP again. In an upcoming issue of Time magazine, Warren basically tells Republicans if they donate cold hard cash to paying down the national debt he will match it all dollar for dollar. This has to be 

Hey Mitt…

Hey Mitt…

here’s an idea… the guy writing your speeches…. [youtube=]