Double D’s and the cruller dilemma…

Double D’s and the cruller dilemma…

First off…I don’t eat doughnuts that often. But when I do, I prefer crullers. I walk into into a Dunks today and was jonesing for a donut….it’s been about 4 months since my last one (sounds like penance…I know)   After ordering the typical sh*tty 

Hey Dick!

Hey Dick!

So Dick Cheney has called Obama one of our weakest presidents.Wow really? Homeboy has a wooden heart, can’t shoot a rifle to save his own life, he endorsed a war we had no business starting and then put it on a communist credit card (China 

From Dot Day to D-Day…

From Dot Day to D-Day…

So I finally shake off some of the webs from Sunday and Mark from Dead Friends posts the recent news on the dbag from Savin Hill who doesn’t want Vets living in her apartment because of her opposition to the wars. I figured today would 

Hey Mitt…

Hey Mitt…

Charles Barkley has a message… [youtube=]

Awww Pell no!!!

Awww Pell no!!!

Jimmy and the Preezy of the United Steezy…. [youtube=]  

Ok snap out of it…

Ok snap out of it…

So I’m trying to shake off what a kick in the balls the Bruins game was last night. I feel like being passive aggressive….lets target banks shall we…. Listen to this kid from Springfield who is planning a trip to the Federal Reserve in Boston. 



No thank woo Mumbles!! [youtube=]

Cat Scratch Fever…

Cat Scratch Fever…

Do you think Tim Thomas listens to Ted Nugent before his games? It makes total sense right? [youtube=] They both hate Obama….they both like to sit in tree stands….neither one wants to pay taxes and they are both Michigan boys. I wonder if they teabag 

Hey Tim Thomas…

Hey Tim Thomas…

Cut the sh*t and play hockey…stay away from Freedomworks until the season is over. We need Timmy the Tank not Timmy the Teabagger right now…. If we lose to the Caps I’m sending Obama after you!

Guess who’s my new Senator…

Guess who’s my new Senator…

It’s official, Liz Warren is endorsed by She’s progressive, smart and exactly what we want in a Massachusetts senator. [youtube=]