The Uber perspective…

The Uber perspective…

liv·er·y  (lv-r, lvr) n. pl. liv·er·ies 1. A distinctive uniform worn by the male servants of a household. 2. The distinctive dress worn by the members of a particular group; uniform: ushers in livery. 3. The costume or insignia worn by the retainers of a feudal lord. a. The boarding and care of horses for a fee. b. The hiring out of horses and carriages. c. A livery stable. 5. A business that offers vehicles, such as automobiles or boats, for hire. 6. Law Official delivery of property, especially land, to a new owner.   hack·ney  (hkn)  pl. hack·neys 1. often Hackney A horse of a breed developed in England. 2. A trotting horse suited for routine riding or driving. 3. A coach or carriage for hire.   Do you see any differences here aside from how people dress? Hackney – commonly referred to as a taxi here in Boston….”a coach or carriage for hire”. The 

In the Mayor’s Kitchen…

In the Mayor’s Kitchen…

In the Mayor’s Kitchen from Kris Carter on Vimeo.

Linda is a Patriot…

Linda is a Patriot…

There are few things that strike at my core quite like our nation’s veterans. Like many of us, I am fully aware of the sacrifice and struggle vets have endured since the Boston campaign, the very essence of that sacrifice provides me the freedom to write 

75 Days…

75 Days…

Check out this cool perspective on Marty Walsh and his mighty crew. So proud of these folks!

Obair Chrua…

Obair Chrua…

I’m driving through South Boston yesterday morning, weaving my way through the side streets trying to avoid the masses that were converging on the parade route. For the first time in my life I was invited to the St. Patrick’s day breakfast. Those who know 

Mayor 54…

Mayor 54…

It’s official….a Dot Rat is mayor of Boston. The goosebumps moment for me during the speech was his reference to the hills of Boston and that the focus should not only be on Beacon Hill but also on Savin Hill, Telegraph Hill, Bunker Hill, Popes 

The Iran Situation…

The Iran Situation…

A peaceful resolution to any potential conflict where our sons and daughters are asked to put their necks on the line is always the most desirable option. But today I had a very interesting conversation with a gentleman who served in the Israeli Army. Not 

Why Marty won…

Why Marty won…

It’s pretty obvious he won because he’s a Dot Rat first and foremost. If it sounds like I’m gloating, it’s because I am. I’m extremely psyched for this guy and I think the example he’s put forth will inspire a whole new generation of Dorchester 

Our Mayor is a Dot Rat!

Our Mayor is a Dot Rat!

Congrats to Martin J Walsh….you worked harder than anyone. Which is a hallmark of being a Dot Rat! Dorchester is proud of you and I’m sure your father is upstairs smiling tonight!

Not my vote…

Not my vote…

There’s many reasons why Marty Walsh should get your vote on election day, but right now I want to focus on the biggest reason…. John Connolly. Yes, I’m about to pick on this guy and nobody can stop me. Have you seen the way John