It’s time to get revenge…

It’s time to get revenge…

Never Forgive – Never Forget – US Navy Seals I won’t get mad, I’ll just get even – Bill Belichick This may sound crazy, but I would actually pay money to hear what Bill has to say before the game against the Giants. Revenge will certainly 

Want goosebumps?

Want goosebumps?

Watch our field general get the props he deserves from Ray Lewis….I wonder if Ray is lying in bed wide awake right now….. [youtube=]

Gina Carano…

Gina Carano…

I just wanted to take a second to congratulate Gina Carano on her new movie “Haywire” that is coming out this weekend. There’s always been a buzz around this girl, but I have this feeling that she is going to be something larger than what everyone 

A gift for Mumbles…

A gift for Mumbles…

In honor of tha mayar of tha see of Bossin. I would like to present him with this shirt….         Thank Woo Mayar!! [youtube=]

Triple Decker Hockey…

Triple Decker Hockey…

You don’t need a ton of cash, 2 acres of land or an engineering degree. All you need is a big strong dad with a few tools and a desire to see his boys have fun. Check out this great little rink set behind my 

Dana White is p*ssed…

Dana White is p*ssed…

So I have been watching MMA for about 16 years now, and I’m still a huge fan. Boxing was always the sport for my family growing up and I still love it, but I got tired of the corruption element. Watching the UFC grow over 

Menino, Tebow and Weckler?

Menino, Tebow and Weckler?

Will someone please tell me who Res Weckler is? Is this a third stringer or something? Apparantly Tebow is a phenominom too…..Menino is just a beast when it comes to handling the tough questions. Thank god he’s mayar of tha see of Bossin. Thank Woo 

Shawn Thornton regulates…

Shawn Thornton regulates…

Shawn was straight crushing it tonight….that penalty shot was priceless…I think he surprised himself. This kid knows how to light a fire under everyone’s ass. [youtube=]

A bad day at gym class…

A bad day at gym class…

We have all had them….especially those of us who got our pants in the husky section of Jones. But I really can’t remember having a day like this….homeboy just eats it…. [youtube=]