Double D’s and the cruller dilemma…

Double D’s and the cruller dilemma…

First off…I don’t eat doughnuts that often. But when I do, I prefer crullers. I walk into into a Dunks today and was jonesing for a donut….it’s been about 4 months since my last one (sounds like penance…I know)   After ordering the typical sh*tty 

An evening at Peggy O’Neils…

An evening at Peggy O’Neils…

You can go anywhere in Dorchester and find yourself a watering hole. But for me there are a handful of places that are truly authentic. I’m talking about establishments that are woven into the fabric of Dorchester. Family run, with a vested interest and feel for their 

Harbor Freight Tools Review…

Harbor Freight Tools Review…

So everyone’s been telling me about this place down in Braintree that sells tools at really low prices so I decided to take a ride and check the place out. The very first thing I noticed when I walked into HFT was the overwhelming smell of